How to Keep Entertained in Quarantine: Online Contests and Giveaways

Author: Sam McMaster

As we're all settling into new quarantined lifestyles, many of us are looking for fun things to do at home. Are you already bored with binge-watching the same TV shows you've seen a dozen times? Has your plan to write the next ground-breaking novel dwindled after you struggled to write the first page? Are you spending most of your time making visits between the couch and the fridge? You're not alone. It's challenging to find creative ways to spend time at home, mainly because none of us know when this difficult time will come to an end.

If you think you're slowly (or even quickly) succumbing to cabin fever, change your routine and do something different. Most of us are relying on the internet right now for social interaction and connection. Did you know that there are contests you can enter online every single day? You could win free prizes of all sorts, and all it requires is a little time (it's probably safe to say that you have lots of that right now), and an open mind!

Get through your quarantine by entering exciting online contests—Contest Scoop is your inside connection for current giveaways. You could spend your days entering tested and real contests and winning free goodies!

Read on to discover the incredible contests available. And, you don't even have to leave the couch to participate!

Baby Gourmet Baby Food Giveaway

This incredibly stressful time is difficult for most people, but it's particularly challenging for all of the new moms out there. Right now, many of us are also going to be worried about finances in addition to health concerns, and that means that money will be tight for an uncertain amount of time. For a new mom, this uncertainty can feel scary and induce a lot of anxiety.

Baby Gourmet—Canada's leading brand of organic snacks and beverages for babies—is offering an online contest to win product coupons through the company's Instagram and Facebook pages.

Every week, Baby Gourmet provides contests on their social media pages for parents to win delicious and nutritious baby food, gift cards, and more. Check out their Facebook page and leave a comment to qualify for this week's giveaway! Visit the sites regularly to see current offers.

Prepaid Visa Cards

Let's face it—your credit card is going to get quite a workout during self-isolation because of all the online shopping that's about to take place. Why not enter a contest where you could win some money to do exactly that? Stay at home and order items online using a prepaid Visa card!

House and Home Canada—one of Canada's leading decorating and lifestyle magazines—is offering one $500 Visa gift card to a lucky winner. You can enter the contest daily by filling out a short entry form. What's to lose? Hop on over to their site and see what you could win for your home!

Make the most of your self-isolation. At times, it might feel difficult to relax, but entering contests and looking for online giveaways are excellent ways to distract yourself and keep busy. Stay safe, stay home, and start entering contests that could brighten up your day—or a loved one's!