Home Remedies For Oily Skin

Author: Hansraj Srivastava

Everyone likes shiny things; shiny car, shiny house, shiny hair, shiny jewelry but no one likes a shiny face which is shining due to oily skin. Oily skin is a common problem in humans. This oil produces by sebaceous glands and secreted through pores. This natural oil called Sebum. In some people, though, the sebaceous glands can produce too much oil. This creates oily and greasy skin. The causes of oily skin could be genetic, environmental, or lifestyle factors. You cannot stop to produce oil from your skin but you can take steps to make your skin less oily. This oil keeps your skin hydrated & healthy. Oily skin tends to age better and develop fewer wrinkles than dry or normal skin. Too much skin oiliness may lead to clogged pores and acne that make people conscious of their looks. The excessive oil on the face also induces a feeling of uncleanliness.

Here are some effective home remedies for oily skin that are simple and affordable. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is one of the best medicines for all kinds of skin problems. It is naturally cleansing and incredibly versatile. It is also known for soothing burns. Aloe Vera helps treat breakouts and generally aids the healing of the skin. It is capable of tackling the bacteria responsible for clogging your pores. Aloe Vera can also help to soak up excess oil and giving you a more balanced complexion. You can apply it to your skin directly or you can also drink its juice.


Honey is another the best medicine for oily skin. It is found in everyone’s house. To reduce and control extra oil, you can also apply honey on your skin. Honey is naturally antibacterial. It moisturizes the skin and gets rid of excess oil. It can also help in preventing wrinkles and clearing pores. To use honey, spread a thin layer of raw honey on your face; let it dry for about 10-15 minutes, and wash off gently with warm water. You can see your oil-free face.


If you are taking Oatmeal in your breakfast then it is very good. Oatmeal is a natural moisturizer that reduces skin oiliness. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent acne formation. It also helps exfoliate dead skin. To prepare a simple face mask, take five tablespoons of ground oatmeal, and add water to make a smooth paste. You can add yogurt, honey, or mashed fruit such as bananas or papaya. Apply this paste, leave for 10-15 minutes, and wash off with warm water. It will bring you a new freshness.

Egg Whites and Lemons:

I know, Egg whites don’t sound good for many people but it is effective because egg whites are rich in proteins and nutrients. You can add lemon also which is also beneficial in oily skin. Both ingredients are thought to tighten pores. It also works to remove impurities and excess oil from your skin, preventing breakouts of spots and pimples.

Tomato and Cucumber:

Yes, Tomato and Cucumber are also beneficial in oily skin. Cucumber is naturally cleansing and rich in antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins A, E, and magnesium. Tomato also helps to balance your skin’s pH, controlling the production of oil and tightening open pores. Tomatoes are also capable of relieving inflammation and detoxifying your skin. Take a piece of cucumber and leave it on your face for 15-30 minutes. And for tomato, just make puree; apply to your face for 15-20 minutes and then wash off your face gently. It will make you a good feeling of freshness.