How To Choose the Best Mattress Protector

Author: David James

How to Choose the Best Mattress Protector

You finished researching your new mattress, and now considering the best mattress protector options. Considering how much you just spent on the mattress, protecting it seems a good investment. When you type in "mattress protector" to your web browser, you are overwhelmed by the options. What exactly do you need to know to choose the right protection for your new mattress?

Protection Provided

Mattress protection serves several purposes. It helps keep the mattress itself free and clear of stains, allergins, and increases mattress lifespan. Additionally, dust mites and bed bugs can be prevented and bay from regular usage of these protection methods on your mattress.

The most obvious factor of using a good or the best mattress protector is that it is removable and much easier to clean, maintain, or even replace than a full bed. All protection options are not made equal. You must now consider the style of protection that works best for you.

Styles of Mattress Protector

The differing style of mattress protection can range from a mattress pad to a full encasement style. Pillows are just that, another layer on top of the mattress that helps provide a bit more comfort and some protection from spills and allergies.

Pads can come in cooling and warming varieties for health and seasonal reasons. Full encasements will provide the most protection and can be waterproof and provide coverage from a broader range of spills, accidents, and the like.

Material Used for the Protector

Mattress Protectors can be made from Vinyl, Down, or even cotton. Consider what you prefer in materials for your best night’s sleep. Do you have buckwheat pillows and all-natural fibers on your bed? Cotton or down protectors might be the best option.

If you have small children, waterproof vinyl and polyurethane materials are more frequently used. Additionally, if you already live in cool or warmer climates might have a bearing. Of course, these materials can also impact what it will take to care for the protector.

Care Instructions

Just as you wouldn’t throw your buckwheat pillow into a washing machine, not all mattress protection is cared for the same. Depending on the materials, you may simply wash down by hand, or be able to throw in your machine. It is critical to read instructions on mattress covers before purchasing to ensure the care instructions are understood, and you don’t ruin this new item first cleaning out. Additionally, care instructions and materials go hand in hand with the expense of these items.

Expense Considerations

Mattress protection is cost-effective compared to a brand new mattress. Average costs of a durable or the best mattress protector currently range from extremely basic vinyl to about $50 for a suitable material variety. There are some much more expensive and versatile ones on the market to compliment your style and personal comfort needs.


Never leave your mattress to defend for itself. Make sure whether a simple topper or full encasement is purchased and in place, you protect this asset. Pests, accidents, allergins, and the like can wear on your mattress and shorten its lifespan. Adding this vital layer of protection will ensure you can enjoy a good night's sleep on a well-protected bed far into the future.