Questions to Ask Before You Sign Up for A Personal Protection Course

Author: Personal Protection

A bodyguard or personal protection training program is your passport to a career that has everything you have ever wanted. Fun, excitement, freedom, challenges, thrill, and of course, great pay - these are just a few of the reasons why people choose a career as a bodyguard or a personal protection officer. The training program is designed to provide these people with all that they would need to enjoy a successful career.

Are you one of those people? Well, before you sign up for a personal protection training program, make sure that you know you are choosing the right one. There are lots of companies offering training programs, and not all of them are the same, so here are four questions that you should ask before you make your decision.

How much operational experience do the instructors have?

This is going to be one of the most important things to consider when you choose your bodyguard school. If the operators have been in the field for many years protecting high-profile clients, then they will be able to offer you that extra level of information based on their own experience. Try to find training programs that are run by instructors who have walked the walk and who can provide the level of training that you are looking for.

How many students are taken onto each course?

This is another crucial thing that you will have to look at before choosing your training program. Find out how big the group sizes will be and how many instructors will be on hand in each group. Smaller groups with more instructors for each student are the best option and will allow you to get the attention you need during the course, so it's best to opt for this.

How much training experience do the instructors have?

Operational experience is one thing, but you should also check how much training experience the instructors have. Instructors who have been providing personal protection training for many years will be in a better position to provide everything you need to know to succeed in the training program and get your qualification.

Can they provide testimonials from previous students?

The best way to find out more about the quality of the personal protection training offered by a particular bodyguard school is to ask previous students how they found it. A good training center will be happy to provide testimonials from former students, and you should also be able to contact them to hear from them how they found the training to be or if it helped them in their careers.

Final Notes

Choosing the right training program for your personal protection training is a crucial decision, so you want to make the right one. Ask all of the questions above before you make a final choice, and you will have a better chance of finding the best one for you. Then, you can go and get your qualification and start looking forward to a career as a personal protection officer.