5 Common Sleep Disorders that Affect Many

Author: David James

5 Common Sleep Disorders that Affect Many

It's no new fact that we require sleep in order to live. But what's becoming more commonly understood, especially nowadays when the brain is undergoing a more intimate study than ever before, we now understand that many different kinds of sleep disorders exist. These can prevent this natural process, harming the sufferer in their wake. A lot of studies and medical practices are being carried out to help understand and solve these issues. Here are five common sleep disorders and how they affect your day-to-day life.

  1. Insomnia

This is one of the most common disorders, with roughly 10% of all adults experiencing it at one time or another. It can involve either lying awake for up to thirty or forty minutes before finally drifting off, or waking up constantly throughout the night. Either way, it's an absolute waking nightmare and leaves one feeling exhausted and depressed come morning.

  1. Sleep Apnea

A very common one that forces a person to keep waking up throughout the night as their deep snoring prevents them from breathing. The brain wakes up to force breathing to get started again, which interrupts the necessary sleep. Fortunately, a sleep study is all that's needed to diagnose it and there's a wide variety of effective treatments to choose from.

  1. Parasomnias

Any strange behavior while you sleep? Sleepwalking? Night terrors? Sleep sex? No seriously, that last one is an actual thing. It's where activities normally done while fully awake are performed while fully asleep and the sufferer will often have no conscious memory of doing them. There are medications and treatments available for these actions and this condition, so if you're at all suspicious of it, get it checked ASAP.

  1. Allergies

Dust mites are a major cause of allergies. Since dust mites are found everywhere, to the point where the only way to avoid discomfort is just to avoid thinking about it, it's no surprise what a problem they are. The best thing you can do is to get really high-quality bedding to counteract them. Many pillows are hypoallergenic, such as a buckwheat pillow or a supportive body pillow. The best body pillow, of course — will be one that is hypoallergenic and resistant to dust mites, enabling you to sleep more comfortably.

  1. Restless Leg Syndrome

This is a biggie and can be caused by anything from pregnancy to obesity, to iron deficiency. It's the feeling of tingling, burning, or aching legs that seem to demand movement, which actually does help. The problem comes in the fact that it usually triggers upon lying down, which of course, prevents sleep. Speak to your doctor if you suspect RLS in yourself and see what can be done to help you as quickly as possible.


Lack of sleep is a big problem, but many causes are preventable and curable. Figure out what may be wrong and seek help. Chances are the problem will be simple enough to handle within a few days and you can go back to enjoying long, restful nights in soothing sleep once more.