Knowledge, Skill and Trade in Islam

Author: Hussain Khan

Knowledge means knowing, and believing. Allah, the Supreme has regarded knowledge and wisdom as a big wealth

'And he who received wisdom has, in fact, received a big wealth'

"Ask them, could those who know and who do not know, be equal"

"Allah will give high ranks to those who believe and have knowledge"

"The Merciful has taught the Quran. He created man and taught him to speak"

'Read, and your Lord is Most Generous, Who, by means of the pen, has taught man what he did not know'

What a great kindness and blessing of Allah it is, that He taught man to speak, then to read and write, so that he may give through his tongue and pen his experiences and observations to others and thus spread and develop knowledge in the world. That is the why, the Arabs spread out in foreign countries, all over the world, in groups to spread Islam; to teach others and learn from others. Wherever they went, they began to live there, learnt the languages of those places and passed on their knowledge in those languages. They taught Arabic and translated the local arts and whatever else they knew, into Arabic and thus added to their knowledge. The savings of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in regard to acquiring of knowledge are given below:

It is Duty to Acquire Knowledge

Anas (R.A.A) related that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said, "Acquiring of knowledge is the duty of every Muslim"

Going Far Away From Home to Acquire Knowledge is Like Fighting in the Way of Allah

Anas (R.A.A) stated that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said, "Whoever went away from his home to seek knowledge, remains in the way of Allah until his return"

Knowledge and Wisdom Is the Believer's Lost Property

Abu Hurairah (R.A.A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said, "Words of wisdom and knowledge is the lost property of a believer. Wherever he finds it, he has the prior claim on it."

Acquiring Skill, Labour and Work

A man should earn his own bread and for this purpose, he should acquire some skill, art or take up labour. He should also educate his family members in this way. As long as a man can work with hands and feet or with his head, he should work in some way. He should not sit idle and be a burden on others such a person loses all respect in the eyes of others.

Trade and commerce is the most important and necessary branch of business. Worldy life cannot go on without trade. People cannot get the necessities of life without traders. That is why the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) has highly praised trade and created a bent for it by saying, " Out of ten parts of livelihood, nine parts are in trade". But whatever kind of purchase and sale and whatever items or thing of trade be Allah, the Supreme and His Messenger (S.A.W.) have strictly ordered the Muslims that they should be honest, just and reliable in the purchase and sale, measurement and weighment of all articles. They must not weigh or measure less than due and not put the purchasers to loss. Allah, the Almighty says, "And be just in weighing and measurement." "A clear guidance has come to you from your Lord; so give full in weight and measurement and do not put people to a loss in their goods." It would be seen from the traditions mentioned below that the merchants and businessmen have been strongly told to be honest, just, truthful, courteous, moral and God-fearing while making sales and purchases. They must not underweight, but give full, rather in excess to the purchaser, so that he is not put to loss.