PSP: Become a Physical Security Professional Certified And Ace Your Career Goals!

Author: Kathleen R. Cable

PSP PDF Online security has become one of the most vital components for any kind of organization selling or offering its services online. For this reason, employers now look for people who have latest certifications in this field.

One known security certification is PSP Exams Study Kits Physical Security Professional or PSP certification that demonstrates the experience and knowledge of an individual in assessing threats and risk analysis; security systems; and the necessary identification, implementation, as well as continuous security measures evaluation. The individuals who acquire PSP are ASIS board certification holder in physical security.

Requirements for PSP Preparation

  • Diploma holder of high school, GED equivalent, or holder of associate degree & 6 years progressive experience of physical security.
  • 4 years progressive experience of physical security for those holding a bachelor’s or a higher degree.

What you should know about Physical Security Professional Exam?

The PSP Test comprises of 125 MCQs and can also have 15 unscored or pre-test questions that are distributed randomly throughout the exam having 140 exam questions in total. The exam covers skills, knowledge, and tasks in three main domains that are identified by professionals in this field as the main areas involved in the physical security management.

The PSP Questions that come in the exam are from the official exam preparation books. These preparation books are sufficient for all the PSP Preparation you need, but you may consult some other websites for further study material, practice test, and sample questions. This would help in clarifying your concepts even more.

3 Main Domains of PSP Exam

The three wide domains of PSP exam are:

  • Assessment of Physical Security – 33 percent
  • Physical Security Systems – Application, Design & Integration – 38 percent
  • Physical Security Measures Implementation – 29 percent

How to Apply for the Exam?

Once you have checked the eligibility criteria for PSP Brain Dumps, you should proceed to the policies and fees for the exam. The last step is to complete your online application or you may download the application in PDF format in English or Spanish and FAX or email on the number of addresses given on the official website.

Fee for Physical Security Professional Exam

When the application is submitted, you will have to visit the ASIS store for paying your exam fee. The computer based test fee is $300 for members and $450 for nonmembers whereas, pencil and paper test fee is $200 for members and $350 for nonmembers. The retake fee for computer based test is $200 whereas $100 for pencil and paper test. The retake fee for both the members and nonmembers is the same.

The Paper and Pencil test is just available for the applicants applying from Tobago/Trinidad, Panama, Nigeria, Jamaica, and Ecuador.

Cert4Prep is a Reliable and Reasonable Source of Study Material for Psp Preparation Kits and Asis-Cpp Self Study.