High Altitude Himachal Pradesh Birding Tour

Author: Uday Patel

Just think you are amid the wonderful colorful agile feathered friends, and all around you are snow White Mountains the incredible Himalayas. Yes that is a birding tour in Himachal Pradesh right in the lap of World’s newest and tallest mountains a cradle of picturesque terrain and amazing creatures - of it all the most beautiful places on Earth.

The countryside is fascinating a trek among the hills and valleys through the winding roads in between the glades, quaint hamlets on the edge of the precipice. On this ornithological quest visit the best hotspots and sight the targeted species to checklist.

Some of the destinations that have become popular are situated in Lahaul, Spiti and Kullu Districts. These are high altitude regions some in the Himalayan Cold Desert Biosphere. Birding in this region is best in summers and in the monsoon since rainfall is scant here. The panoramic spectacle of the mountains is all around during the trips.

High altitude bird watching in undulating and hilly terrain requires a great degree of fitness and ability to bear scant oxygen atmosphere, it is hence not for invalids, some aged hobbyists and those breathing problems. Birds pop out of every nook and corner from inside the bushes, in and around the grass, amidst the leaves and branches of tall trees. The camouflage and matching surroundings makes sighting these creatures a big challenge and a matter of practice. The guides are well acclimatized to the landscapes and are of great help. Recognizing calls and songs is the other virtue local guides are endowed with. Binoculars and spotting scopes are of great help; also carry a good hand guide of the region.

Some of the destinations that are popular among the birders visiting Himachal Pradesh are mentioned here but the activity is not limited and the avian species can be seen everywhere. Low temperature is experienced the year around and can reach 7 degree in winters especially after snow fall.

Chail Hill Resort

Chail lies in Shimla District at a height of 2250 MSL and the sanctuary area is well forested comprising of pine and deodar along with number of herbs and shrubs. This was once a summer capital of Maharajah of Patiala. This destination with sylvan charms is home to many avian species and among the shades of wooded ridges you will see great barbet, Kalij pheasant, cheer pheasant, Himalayan woodpecker, green backed tit, bar tailed tree creeper, speckled piculet, striated laughing thrush, streaked laughing thrush, blue whistling thrush, Himalayan griffon, Scaly Bellied Woodpecker, black and yellow grosbeak, Indian blue robin, verditer flycatcher, brownish flanked bush warbler, Common hawk cuckoo to list a few.


At greater height of 2708 MSL Chail to Narkanda is about two and half hours scenic drive. Throughout the drive frequent stops result in sighting of more Himalayan beauties. The area is dominated by conifer, pine, deodar, poplar, hazelnut and oak trees which support a number of avifauna. On this route you will see grey bellied tesia, beautiful rosefinch, goldcrest, yellow browed tit, coal tit, russet sparrow, black bulbul, yellow breasted goldfinch, koklass pheasant, spot winged tit, bar throated siva, and lemon rumped warbler among hordes of species.

Pin Valley National Park

The park is in the region of Himalayan Cold Desert Biosphere in the valley of Spiti. This park is also home to Bharal, ibex and the elusive snow leopard. Among the avian you can see the goldfinch, chukar and snow partridge, Himalayan snowcock, snowfinch, Tibetan snow finch, red billed chough, snow pigeon, rosy pipit, Hume’s short toed lark and many more…

The birds mentioned in this article are just to give the reader and idea. But the Himachal bird watching tour will yield plenty of species. No birder can go back from these sylvan surroundings without being satisfied with the ornithological quest. The Himalayas never disappoint.