Want to start your career as a content writer? Read this first.

Author: Rupa Chaks

Are you also a passionate content writer just like me? Do content writing is interesting to you as well?

Want to kick-start your career journey as a content writer. Then, this guide, is undoubtedly meant for you. As in this guide, I am going to share with you all some of the exciting tips that will help you to improve your content writing skills.

Well, I am aware of the fact that writing is undoubtedly exciting for many and it's a tedious task for many as well. So, let us understand how you are supposed to become a successful writer:


Well, this may sound obvious but this is very important as well. This point is ignored by many. Being a digital marketing trainer myself. I have seen people taking shortcuts, using spun contents for their website. And wishing that it could bring them results. But in reality, this never works. Plagiarized or sun content is very harmful. Also, this is the worse thing you can do with your website.

Of course, there are millions of contents scattered on the web... So, it is important that when you are writing on a specific topic, the content needs to reflect your style and perspective.


Sounds funny, isn't it? But you know what every successful writer have this one thing in common they love to read. They are a habitual reader. The more you will read, the more words you will learn and the more it will improve your content writing skills.

Reading is mandatory, not optional when you desire to succeed in this content writing game.


Researching is mandatory again. There is a lot of content already scattered on the web. If you are writing with the same points again then it actually makes no sense. Before writing on any topic. Research about it every day come up with new points and then compose a fresh article. Then, only it will be acceptable to your clients and readers as well.


Another, essential thing for you to keep in mind. Not everything you write needs to be published. Especially if you are a beginner, as you are still in the learning phase. Think about it, you are reading some article on the web. It has too many grammatical mistakes, some paragraphs are not making sense as well. Will you like reading that?

The same goes for your audiences. They don't want to read a poorly written article. That is why it is absolutely necessary that you check for article before you hit the publish button. And remove all the unwanted things.


Every article is written keeping something in mind. As a beginner, you need to stay glued with the actual idea of your content and title. Don't go off-topic while writing. Stay true to the actual idea.

For instance, suppose you are writing how helpful social media is for SEO, here you can give the idea of other social sites. But you are not supposed to discuss Facebook Ads here. That's off-topic. Got my point?


When it comes to content writing. Both these aspects you need to keep in mind. That's because today the attention span of people are short. So, here you got only 2-3 seconds to grab their eyeballs. So, in such a case if you have a mediocre title and introduction paragraph then people will ignore your article.

So, you must try and come up with interesting title ideas for your article. Also, work on writing the appealing first paragraph.

This is absolutely not possible but with practice, you will undoubtedly mater this.


Content writing is one of the top paid digital marketing jobs in Delhi.

So, these were some tips that will surely help you as a beginner in content writing to improve your writing skills.

Last but not least, keep practising. No-one is able to master a skill overnight but the key here to be consistent in your efforts. Join the best digital marketing course in Delhi and learn a professional content writing course and kick-start your successful career as a content writer.