Why Being Social is the New Normal for Effective Demand Generation in 2020

Author: Satyajit Shinde

You can only generate demand when you know people and when people know you. This equation is unbeatable and unchangeable and this is what makes social media so special for those who want to generate leads through demand generation.

Demand Generation is all about educating and nurturing your prospects as against hard-selling. Entice your customers and let them know that you want to get to know them better and this works both ways. It’s every customer’s privilege to know who they are willing to invest in. So the more you invest in knowing your customers, the more they will be willing to invest in you. And what better way to do that than through social media.

Social media was invented not for nothing. To be able to connect with the right people; social media gives B2B marketers the right platform to showcase their offerings and also to get to know interested prospects. Social media has sure evolved over time, but the basics remain the same. Be visible, know your audience, connect and convert; this mantra brings demand generation and social media in the same league.

The magic of customer persona:

Knowing the customer persona is the key to getting them into the loop and creating solutions that revolve around their needs. Knowing the customer profile and persona is in fact a tool that can help marketers know who they are catering to and what they need to offer to convert the prospects into customers.

Social media is the magic wand that can provide the right information to get to know your customers. It allows you to capture the behavioral patterns of customers, preferences and their stories. This enables you to reach the right audience effectively. Once you understand your customer personas well, it is easier to build a more effective and actionable marketing strategy that can easily attract, delight and engage your prospects.

How to be a social media ninja for generating demand:

The need to be a social media ninja for effective demand generation is obvious. So how do you go about it? The use of social media doesn’t mean you simply use it without understanding the science and art behind the content that you intend to create. Social media posting isn’t rocket science either, but there’s definitely a strategy at play when the best B2B results are expected out of social media activity.

Social media is all about creating brand presence, but it is also about dishing out the content that is created out of purpose to educate your prospects. 80% of your content needs to be a take-away for the reader and 20% should be about you and your brand! It’s simple really and can fetch great results. This is precisely in-line with demand generation techniques. Know your customer persona more and lesser the need to hard-sell!

Using social media for B2B demand generation can enable you to see the path and the journey of your customer. Monitor and track what they want and deliver it before they know.

The New Normal of 2020:

In today’s uncertain times, empathetic messaging that intends to know or reach out to the customer can really help engage them. While the world around is changing, so is the market and so are the customer preferences. Social media can enable you to know who is active, who is dormant and who is in which buying stage to help you reconfigure your marketing strategy even in challenging times.


Reach your audience in real-time and create incredible results in terms of learning more about your customer. Social media and demand generation are closely related and cannot really exist without each other. It is therefore necessary that you understand and leverage social media for effective B2B demand generation.