Five Things to Know about Life Insurance in Vancouver

Author: Stevie Rufer

Life insurance acts as a safeguard against tragedy and will help secure a future for a policyholder’s family should a death occur. Finding the right BC life insurance to fit one’s needs can take time. Everyone has different circumstances, and sometimes some even struggle to get an insurance quote in Vancouver as insurance agencies won’t cover them due to health risks or other financial barriers. Everyone is deserving of life insurance, and no one should feel discouraged when trying to obtain it. As they say, when one insurer’s door closes, another’s opens! Working with a life insurance broker in BC can help those in the lower mainland find the best coverage, but before venturing out into Vancouver’s life insurance world there are a few things prospective policyholders should consider.

  1. Types of Life Insurance Available

Before deciding on the right life insurance, policyholders need to have an understanding of what options are on the table. Different BC life insurance agencies will have different options to better suit different situations and health needs. Insurance types come with both benefits and drawbacks and the right fit largely depends on individual circumstance.

For example, term life insurance, insurance coverage that lasts for a set number of years, typically costs less than other types, but once the term ends it costs more to renew. On the other hand, whole life coverage will cover a policyholder throughout their lifetime but requires more hands-on involvement as the policy is designed to function as an opportunity to invest money into the policy. It can be difficult to wrap one’s head around the different policies, but a life insurance broker in Vancouver can assist with navigating life insurance policies.

  1. Influence of Coastal Lifestyle

Oceanfront living brings a whole new type of lifestyle. From boating accidents at sea to potential hazards for those taking a dip in the ocean, the coastal lifestyle contributes to both the necessity of coverage and the cost of it. When looking for insurance quotes in Vancouver, lower mainland residents should be aware of the influence their locality will have on insurance rates.

  1. Natural Disasters Impact Insurance Rates

Everyone loves the long walks on the seawall and the fresh ocean breeze, but living by the ocean comes with its risks. Lower mainland BC is prone to earthquakes and unfortunately, living in an area where natural disasters are common can make life insurance quotes for Vancouver higher than in other areas.

  1. Cost of Housing Affects Life Insurance

When considering the right life insurance, those living in the greater Vancouver area will need to take into consideration housing prices if they plan to cover outstanding mortgage costs. The housing market in Vancouver is not known for its low prices, and the average household in the lower mainland is valued at just over $1 million dollars. This will have a direct impact on life insurance quotes for those living in Vancouver.

  1. Loss of Income Applied to Vancouver Residents

No one likes to imagine tragedy befalling themselves or their family but taking precautions will result in a policyholder’s family being taken care of should disaster strike. The average income in BC is $49,244 and over a 10-year span, this equals $492,440. Imagine the difficulty a family would face having such a substantive amount of income missing from their household earnings. Working with a life insurance broker in Vancouver will help safeguard one’s family from such financial losses and secure a stable future.

Finding the Right BC Life Insurance

Picking the right life insurance in Vancouver is no easy task, but an insurance broker can act as a guide and help Vancouver residents understand the implications of different levels of coverage. Understanding the different factors that influence insurance quotes in Vancouver will foster a better understanding of what to prepare for when looking for life insurance in the lower mainland.