Creating a Behavioral Retargeting Strategy to Improve Conversions

Author: Varsha Singh

When you are marketing your business, you need the right kind of users to interact with you through your marketing messages. Now, you know that your users exhibit different behavioral patterns, and to target them accordingly, you need to engage them with relevant communication. Thus, you segment them into different categories and launch campaigns at certain segments to grab their attention.

However, as you can also perceive, user behavior changes. Here, behavioral targeting can help you by segmenting your audience as per their interest and online behavior. If your marketing platform can identify these traits, it becomes easier for you to gather data, segment the users, and target them according to their behavior, to increase your revenue and earn trust among your users.

Recent researches indicate behavioral retargeting helps you to grow your sales and net revenue by quite a margin. This is particularly crucial for any business as marketing in the modern world depends much on personalization. Behavioral retargeting helps you to segment your users according to specific segments, which makes personalization more effective.

In order to stay ahead of your competitors, you need to run your marketing campaigns with efficient strategies, in which behavioral retargeting helps in performing more effectively. The following are a few such strategies that can help you to segment your users based on their behavioral data.

Get Insights into Connected User Behavior

Sometimes, it might seem that your users are just wandering your website without any particular choice of product to buy. These non-connected user behaviors might play a deterrent in tagging them into segments. However, even if unrelated, a deeper analysis would show you more insights about these users than you can think.

Now, if you slice and dice your user data through a well-equipped data dashboard, you can analyze your user behaviors to understand the products or sections they are interested in and about their final purchase. This helps you to bundle related products that you can suggest your users buy through efficient recommendations. Alternatively, understanding the intrinsic user behavior lets you cross-sell or upsell products in which they were not interested at the beginning of the session. Therefore, even if you don’t sell the originally intended product, the chances of increasing the bucket size increases, thereby enhancing your sales volume and increase revenue generation.

Using Behavioral Retargeting to Bring Back Lost Users

You can use behavioral retargeting to bring back your lost customers or even customers who are not active anymore on your website through remarketing. Remarketing is a technique that helps you tracks customers coming to your website and keep a record of their online activities. Now, when they are browsing the internet anytime later and are on a different website, you can show them ads of the products they were checking out. The objective of remarketing ads is to bring these users back to your website and convert them into customers. You can use dynamic retargeting to display the exact products they were checking along with the related products that you intend them to buy too.

While designing the remarketing campaigns, you can use several data touchpoints to create a complete user persona. For example, you can collect the data from your marketing platform or from Google Analytics to understand different aspects of their online behavior. Using these data, you can find out whether the users have dropped off the shopping cart, or abandoned the website at the welcome page itself. You can find out details about their demographics, online shopping history, buying propensity, average conversion cycle, and more. Using all these data, you can create a campaign that appeals to them most and convert them faster.

Behavioral Retargeting Helps You to Optimize the Marketing Budget

Since behavioral retargeting helps you gather deep insights about your users, you can optimize your marketing budget by reducing the efforts put into converting a user or reducing the purchase cycle. When you advertise your brand or communicate about your business through different marketing channels, users who are interested in you would visit to explore your offerings. The cost of acquiring them by deploying the campaigns through all the marketing channels requires an optimum budget to attract a substantial amount of users towards your business. Now, if you are not able to convert a big chunk of these visitors, your marketing ROI might reduce by quite a notch.

Here, retargeting based on user behavior can help you to bolster the chances of conversion. Once you know your users’ behavior, you can opt to target only those visitors who are most likely to buy from your site rather than communicating with all of the segments. This will help you to trim down your spending on running campaigns on multiple platforms and improve both the marketing ROI and ROAS by several factors.

Use an Omnichannel Approach to improve your behavioral retargeting

When you are reaching out to your users, you can choose to select a single channel or an omnichannel marketing approach. Selecting an omnichannel approach will help you identify your users across channels and devices, and target them with relevant communication through multiple touchpoints. You can use multiple content formats too, to communicate your message such as video ads, promotional email, social media banners, or even display ads based on user activity and presence.

Having an omnichannel marketing platform helps you to cover all your bases, as you can convey appealing messages to your users according to their tastes and preferences, rather than putting out a generic message.

Use a comprehensively suited omnichannel marketing platform

The efficiency of behavioral retargeting depends on the collection and analysis of a huge amount of user data, which can be minutely observed to utilize the insights in your marketing campaigns. Therefore, the requirement of a well-suited marketing platform is crucial for the success of your marketing strategy and communication. The platform must provide you features such as scheduling, advanced real-time segmentation, customizations in designing, AI-adaptability while running campaigns, customer intelligence, and a dashboard that helps you to track, analyze and predict customer actions.

Ending Note

Behavioral retargeting adds an extra layer to your targeting parameters that can improve the rate of engagement and conversions among your users. For more details on behavioral retargeting based on user activities, reach us at