What is Web Design?

Author: Michael Meyers

A website is a website, right? Not correct. An outdated, confusing, or broken website is damaging your brand. We don't say it could harm your brand, we say it will harm your brand.

How can you avoid that? You can create a great website by doing everything right from the start with your web design. But what is web design? Read on if you want to know what web design is, why it matters so much, and how to do it right.

Web design is what creates the holistic look when you use a website. It is the process of planning and building the elements of your website, from the structure and layout to the images, colors, fonts and graphics.

Web design consists of various components that work together to create the finished website experience, including graphic design, user experience design, interface design, search engine optimization (SEO) and content creation. These elements determine how a website looks, feels and works on different devices. Check out this guide on how to create a website if you want to learn more about the whole process.

Web design differs from web development in what is actually programming for a website to work. When you create a website, you need both web design and web development. Although you can also find web designers who are also web and UX developers, these are different skills.

Web designers take your ideas and turn them into a mockup that shows what your future website will look like. Web designers take care of the creative part of designing a website.

Web developers - sometimes called programmers - take your web designer's mockup and translate it into a programming language so that it can be viewed on the Internet. They make websites functional, which often means programming widgets and other tools individually.

A user experience developer, also known as a UX developer, is someone who makes your website user-friendly. They have both technical and design skills and use them to create websites that attract visitors.Web Design Agency Germany can help you with your web design.

The first impression really matters. We cannot say it often enough: if you don't have a strong website, you are slowing down your brand.

Future customers who are looking for your brand on the Internet and cannot find anything might think that you no longer exist. If they search and find something sub-optimal, they will get the impression that you don't care much about your company or product. Make any relationship that starts on your website a good one by getting your web design right.

Now that you know what what and who is who, let's take a look at what makes web design great and how it differs from not so good web design.

Good web design is not subjective. With many types of design, such as illustration or sticker design, it depends on the taste of the viewer whether it is "good" or not. In web design, the line between "good" and "bad" is much clearer. A well-designed website is a website that creates the experience your visitor is looking for.