How do you push down the negative reviews?

Author: Arul Varman

Negative reviews deeply affect the reputation of the company. If you start a business, there has to be a continuous struggle to develop a positive reputation. In the case of one negative review appearing can destruct the business. Your rating will go down and hence the whole struggle shall be in vain.

How do you remove these negative reviews is the question. But, removing or deleting negative reviews takes time and it might not be very easy as you think it to be. Deleting a comment from your social media platform is easy but from a search engine like Google, it might take a lot of time and is very difficult.

Now, there are certain hacks though. To push down negative reviews you can follow these steps:

1. Try to outnumber the negative keywords.

This means that when you find a review with negative keywords, you know the number of words and the specific words used. Try to bring out reviews that have more number of words and opposite to what the negative reviews say. This will help you to push down a negative review and regain a positive reputation.

2. Be social media influencers!

This is an amazing technique that is when you create your page in any social media platform, the number of followers doesn’t matter. But, create a business page in every social media platform and see the rise in the number of followers. Post regularly and creatively. Use every bit of your aesthetics and love what you are doing. Only then your customers could feel impactful! Online reputation depends heavily on the way you post about your business. To increase social media support there are numerous ways like keeping contacts and maintaining contacts. Do everything that you can and it is right to say that ‘social media’ rules the world in today’s world.

3. Comments to be taken care of!

It is very important to comment on social media too. You might be wondering how this helps? When you comment a relevant and strong message or pass a sensible and relatable comment under a famous page, be it under a business brand, you are very likely to get noticed. And hence, the popularity of your brand also increases. Always keep in mind to carry the public in hands and not to trigger them in any way. Commenting online is always monitored by the public!

4. Do an activity that is news-worthy and promote them.

If it is an environmental day, it is very important to do something related to nature. If it is newsworthy, do a promotion or ask for a shout-out. It is not wrong. But, take care that you don’t do anything as disgraceful such as nagging people for promotions. You can always do it politely.

5. Link your social media handles.

It is very important to have good quality content for your brand. If you have one, then how do you make it available among the top in the list? It is through links. It is important to link your webpages to increase a positive reputation.

6. Get positivity and not negativity.

It is important to know that the negative reviews if all the above factors are taken care of also, might not be pushed down. It will but to be on the safer side, promote your brand with integrity, and promise the customers and ‘provide’ them the promised quality. Getting positive reviews is very important. Also, one or two negative reviews are fine because too much positivity is also suspicious.

These are the few steps to increase popularity and Remove negative complaints.