What you need to know about sewage treatment solutions

Author: Aero Float

When looking for sewage treatment solutions it’s key that you understand the specific needs of your site and what is unique about the environment. Here are a series of five questions that will make sure you are installing the right type of solution for your site’s needs.

The first question to ask is how many people the sewage treatment plant will service and if it’s built for the future. Ideally, the plant will be future proofed and allow for the number of equivalent persons that it serves to grow over time. This bit of planning will save you a significant amount of money down the line by preventing the need to install an entirely new system. Talk to your supplier and make sure you determine how many equivalent persons to expect down the line. Other things to consider is the peak periods of wastewater flow as that can cause design changes.

You’ll also want to ask what the effluent quality you will be targeting and if it matches the water authority discharge demands. Regulation differs from one area to the next, so it is essential that you work with a supplier that knows what it is doing. Safe sewer treatment solutions will not just meet the minimum standards set by the government but go a step further and exceed them. Aerofloat are proud to make all of our sewage systems fully compliant.

You’ll also want to make sure your supplier offers the effluent values for biological oxygen demand, suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, faecal coliforms and total phosphorous. Aerofloat are happy to check all of those values and make sure they are compliant with all relevant regulations.

Third, you will want to ask your supplier what the values are in the design plans. These calculations are an important aspect and should be up to legislation in your area. While it differs place to place, generally the biological oxygen demand should be 50-70 grams per day for each person, while the litres of sewage maxes out at 220 per person a day. Meanwhile, the ammonia load should be from 12 to 15 grams per person each day.

Safety is key, so you will also want to inquire about the type of disinfectant that the sewage treatment solutions use. There’s a wide variety of them, so make sure you get a recommendation on what is best for your site and environment. Aerofloat will go over the advantages and disadvantages of each type to help you decide which one is best for your needs.

Finally, make sure your supplier tells you how it will deal with the peak daily weather flow. Wastewater will peak at different parts of the day and it’s important to have the capability to handle a peak daily weather flow that is two to four times the average daily weather flow.

Get in touch with our talented engineers at Aerofloat to learn more about our leading Sewage Treatment Solutions today!