Brain cancer information - Dr. Rajas Patel

Author: Rajas Patel

The words brain cancer seem to tend to bring with them terror beyond that of other forms of cancer, however, as terrible as this form of cancer is, and I don't mean to minimize it, brain cancer does not mean necessarily death. Sometimes cancerous brain tumors will not spread to other areas of the body but simply remain in the cranial cavity itself. It will however often attack other tissues in this area and cause serious problems and challenges.

Sometimes the tumor will grow and push parts of the brain causing various reactions such as headache, nausea, vomiting, comas, times when the victim seems to be out of touch and unresponsive to people and things around him. In addition, there will often be a dilation of the eye on the side where the tumor is located. Ophthalmologists often notice differences in the eyes and the responses of the eyes during an eye exam. In very young children, this growth can lead to an increase in the size of the skull itself.

It can also cause certain neurological symptoms, cognitive disorders of different types, changes in behavior, personality, emotional reactions or initiations,

It can also cause physical problems, such as loss of smell, loss or partial loss of sight, loss or partial hearing loss, swallowing problems, paralysis on one side of the body, stroke, head trauma, seizures, and other problems, depending on which part of the brain the tumor is pressing against.

It should also be noted that in some cases there will be no visible symptoms or that the symptoms will, therefore, be apparently minor as the person's life goes on as usual, with or without very minor, barely noticeable changes.

A person's health is important. If not taken care of properly, things like brain cancer can take over and make a difference and there will be no mutating return. It is important to follow the advice of your doctor. Go for periodic reviews. If you find that something does not seem entirely right, do not wait, make an appointment and go to the doctor. Your doctor has the equipment to look into things and find out. If he/she finds nothing wrong, celebrate, do not cut corners on wasted money. If he/she finds something wrong, be glad you went to get help immediately, it can make all the difference, the difference between being a brain cancer victim or a brain cancer winner.Being diagnosed with a brain tumor is a nightmare and it turns your world upside down.

Fortunately, I had very little time between diagnosis with my benign meningioma and having it surgically removed, but the time I had was frantically spent trawling the Internet trying to find some answers to my questions of why, how and what to do next. I managed to find medical documents on the subject, but since I do not have a medical degree was at a loss to understand them. I found lots of forums where brain tumors, I managed to scare myself stupid because I couldn't find stories with a positive result to offer me some encouragement and believe me, I needed it. It would seem that the survivors there must be so happy to be alive after their ordeals that

My world was very happy struck by lightning on July 14 when I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I had a brain tumor; I had it surgically removed on July 19.

I was probably luckier than most with regard to the position of my meningioma tumor, I had a fabulous doctor with insight and I had a maximum rate neurosurgeon on my side. I also had the will and determination to overcome this hiccup in my life.

I have had very little trouble in my life and have never been to the hospital for any reason. You are right, I have my tonsils and my appendix and I have never broken a bone in my body or had a baby. Isn't it remarkable that I have escaped a visit to the hospital for 48 years? But, boy, when I do it, I make it big!

After waking up one morning in mid-June, I tensed and my leg started to unintentionally start about a second apart. Just to make sure you have the right image, I don't mean a kick that would score a winning goal, more than a gentle flick as if trying to pull the sand from your toes. I grabbed my leg, she pulled back to try to stop it, got up from her bed and stood on top of it, but it didn't work either. It was a little scary - who likes to be out of control? Certainly not me!

Written By Dr. Rajas Patel