Behavior management ideas in the classroom|CBSE schools near Hesaraghatta main road

Author: Rcinternational School

Create a class identityAt the beginning of the school year choose a class name. The name is often supported by your theme for the year, like Superhero’s, a suggestion from

your students, or a blend of a pair of names. within the past RC International School, Hesaraghatta has conducted a poll in their class for suggestions

allowing everyone to possess input; then everyone votes until they’ve selected a class name.

Build relationshipsBuilding genuine relationships with students shows that you simply care about them and are concern for their future. At the beginning of the year,

surveys and get-to-know-students activities are an excellent means to begin a deep relationship foundation with students. Because the academic year

continues, community circles can help maintain your community and make an area for open dialogue and familiarity. Once students realize you’re

invested in them as individuals you’ll build respect, which can make a difference when holding students in charge of their behavior.

Some other ways to build relationship include:Positive phone calls at homeGetting to know older and/or younger siblings who go to your schoolHome visitsPersonalized notesSupporting students at extracurricular activitiesEating lunch with studentsCollaborative class rulesWhen teachers and students collaborate to form rules, an excellent classroom environment is cultivated. Create rules that address how students are

expected to interact with one another,teacher,with their physical space how students are expected to interact with the teacher, and the way students are

expected to interact with the physical space. When students are given the opportunity to contribute to the principles which will govern their class, they

develop a way of ownership for his or her classroom.

RoutinesSet clear routines for everything you’d like students to try to in your classroom. Although it is often tedious, be explicit about everything. Don’t assume

that students know the expectations for your classroom and make certain to point out how you’d like things to be done. Give students multiple

opportunities to practice the classroom routines; provide ongoing support for routines and behaviors; reinforce expected behaviors and explain the

results if the expectations don;t met.Teach your routines and expectations during a way that permits you to differentiate ignorance versus defiance. Students often get in trouble because they

genuinely didn’t know what they were expected to try. Once you’re sure that students are conscious of your expectations altogether areas of your

classroom, administering consequences becomes much easier because you recognize students are conscious of all routines.

Here are some routines to consider establishing:Transitions between activitiesAsking for helpWhat to do after work completionLining upSharpening pencilsTurning in homework or completed workUsing the restroomPro Tip: Positively narrate students who meet expectations right away. Doing so not only rewards positive behavior, but repeats the expectation for

students who may not have heard the first time.RewardsRewards can be individual, group or class-based. In the same way, students given to the class rules, allow them to contribute to the rewards. This will

encourage students to work toward rewards they want. At our school in Hesaraghatta main road we always choose a reward system that is easy to handle.

Consider rewards that do not need additional preparation or a burdensome financial investment on your end.

Quiet, quick correctionsWhen a student is off task, they are often seeking attention, so teachers need to remove the stage while addressing them. Use a silent signal, or proximity,

to address a behavior. If that still does not work, quietly and quickly bend down and whisper to the student what you would like them to do as a

consequence they will receive if the expectation does not meet, then move away. If the student still does not comply, administer a correct consequence,

avoid using shame and intimidation to correct a student. Quiet corrections allow you to remain in control of the situation and keep the public stage out

of the student interaction.

Be calm, firm, and consistentWhen administering corrections make certain to remain calm. Giving a behavioral consequence shouldn’t be emotional, rather it should be a response

to the clearly outlined rules and routines of your classroom. Avoid threats like, "If you don’t…then I will…", but instead deliver consequences firmly, as

they need to be been outlined to your class.

Set high expectationsSet high behavioural and academic expectations for all of your students. Have a transparent vision of how you would like your classroom to seem

behaviourally and the way you would like your students to perform academically, then backward plan from your vision.