Handy Shares How to Get the Whole Town Talking About Your Business

Author: Alex Joe


Business is all about networking. If you’re well connected, you’ll have no trouble establishing a decent customer base for your business. If you are unable to secure a stable supply of customers, it could be due to a lack of networking. Handy believes that the best way to get people talking about your enterprise is to make it stand out from the rest. Any publicity is good publicity, and these few tips could help you secure a more reliable source of revenue for your organization. So, let’s get started!

The Ways

1. Local Reporters- Reporters are your best friend when it comes to publicizing your business. They are well connected, and even if you’re not able to secure an ad-column on the local newspaper, simply getting them talking is a big step forward.

If you’re not well acquainted, invite them for lunch. Make sure you’ve prepared your notes related to your business. Why is it unique? How does it benefit society? Future implications, and much more. Remain confident and answer questions with a zeal. It would help if you convinced others regarding the viability of your venture, and the rest will fit into place.

2. Networking Events- Although not all networking events are equally significant, some can greatly boost your website’s popularity. Once you’re there, look for your target and engage in a friendly conversation. After a while, you can mention a thing or two about your business and try to get them interested.

You can also talk with other business owners and spread the word about your own. You could even collaborate at some point and develop something that could benefit both of you. There are endless possibilities to what you can achieve in these networking events.

3. Be Authoritative- Being an authority in your niche instantly gets people talking about your business. People trust information from sources that are known to be legitimate. You can achieve a better response by depicting professionalism in all aspects of your business.

For instance, if you’re sharing social media posts, sticking to professional lingo and a subtle design sends a clear signal to your audience. Once they trust your business, they will do the publicity for you.

4. Customer Engagement- Previous customers are your best bet at closing sales. Treat them in the best possible manner in hopes of getting a referral to their friends and families. The best place to start is by appreciating your present customers.

For instance, you can follow up on purchases and ask customers for a review. Ask them if they are satisfied with the product. You can even send them a customized email appreciating the purchase along with a few tips on how to best use the object.

Webinars and other online events are a great way to gain authority in a given field. Look into your customer base and if they are troubled with something, arrange for a webinar addressing the issue along with tips to deal with it.


Getting people to talk about your business is crucial, especially during the first few years of your business. Hopefully, the tips shared by Handy will help you achieve your goals. Good luck!