Exploring the Trends in New Homes

Author: Jason Khoury

Are you planning on building your dream home and wondering what is new in building and home design trends? Aren’t you? Building a dream house is not always easy as you have to make a lot of decisions. You must decide where you want to build your house and how much you can afford. Besides, you need to decide on the colours of the walls and the features you want to add in your house. Every year comes with new housing trends to consider and even reconsider so you can update your home with confidence and ease.

Our builders in Sydney believe that, 2020 has some fantastic home design trends to consider. Read on to find out the design trends that we think it will make into your house.

Open ceilings

Vaulted spaces offer a structural opportunity to change the appearance of a room to give air, light, and openness. Of course, it’s traditionally used in two-storey spaces. As a new home design trend, the open ceilings help to maximise spaces such as open floor plan dining room.

Outdoor Living Space

What started as a simple fireplace weekend activity has turned out to be full outdoor living spaces. It is no wonder we Aussies love great outdoors, and there is no home without outdoor space. What was considered as old-fashioned is now trending among millennials. Today’s house owners are now designing their backyards with people in mind. Let the house builders Sydney know your outdoor living visions, and they will help you bring into real.

Social kitchen

It’s the kitchen that has undergone a major transformation over the last generation than any other parts in a house. Gone are the days where only the family members could enter the kitchen, while the guest would stay in the living and dining room. But, today, the open floor plan has changed the overall design of a home and the way people socialise within a home. In fact, the kitchen has now become the central part of a homes’ activity which has led to the trend of a social kitchen.

When designing a social kitchen space, you want to make sure it can accommodate multiple uses. While people prefer big kitchen, there has also been a counter-movement for a minimalist kitchen. Although minimalist kitchens tend to be a little smaller, they certainly don’t sacrifice space for the community.

Green Building Practices

Go green is no more a future trend. It’s here right now. In fact, many new home builders in Sydney are focusing more of their home design around energy efficiency and sustainability.


Sunrooms have made their way into houses recently, and a move back to incorporating the room into the home design is back in full swing. What was once used as an escape room from the high-tech living rooms has now become a focus on leisure. The newest trends look at using that well-lit space as a dining room and convertible patios.

The author is one of the best builders in Sydney. Along with the team of professionals, he assists you with architectural plans and government approvals to construction, completion and hand-over of the magical key. Visit https://quantumbuilt.com.au/ for more details.