The Importance of Early Detection of Glaucoma

Author: Matthew Clary

One of the leading causes of blindness, glaucoma can be a devastating disease with over two-million sufferers in the U.S. alone and over 60 million worldwide. With glaucoma, an increase in intraocular pressure puts stress on - and eventually damages - the optic nerve. It is a chronic disease for which everyone is at risk, although there are certain factors that can cause some to be at a higher risk for glaucoma, including age, family history of glaucoma, those of African American and Hispanic descent, and more.

Most notable about glaucoma are two facts:

Those with glaucoma typically have no symptoms prior to there being changes in vision.

Early diagnosis is absolutely critical for preserving vision.

Going for regular eye checkups where testing is included for glaucoma can ultimately determine if you are able to preserve your sight. And because there are generally no symptoms of the disease until you start to notice changes in vision, these regular checkups are even more important, especially if you are in the group that is considered to be at a higher risk for developing glaucoma.

There is no known cure for glaucoma but it can be monitored and managed, helping to slow and stop the progression of the disease through laser treatments, surgery, and medication. With these modern tools at our disposal, we are able to take control of glaucoma and do what we can to preserve our sight.

If you haven't already, be sure to commit to regular eye exams where you will be tested for glaucoma. Of course, if you have any risk factors for glaucoma or are experiencing any changes or reduction in vision, be sure to make an appointment with your eye doctor right away.

About Author

The Eye Center is the leading refractive practice in South Carolina, providing full service eye care and specializing in Refractive Surgery – Epi-Lasik, Thin Flap Lasik, AST, PRK CK, PRELEX, as well as Corneal Transplant and Cataract Surgery.