Microsoft Teams Adoption to Power up collaboration

Author: Saketa Sharepoint
Teams adoption for collaboration and communication

Microsoft Teams has emerged as an inseparable part of the modern Digital Workplace.

Challenge of Remote Work

Remote work has become an inevitable part of the Work culture and a digital workplace, making sure that all the communication and collaboration are digitalized enough. If the employees are empowered enough to work with the latest technologies and surviving this pandemic crisis phase gracefully, the organization will surely be able enough to adopt the digital workplace for the long term as well.

We need to invest in the latest collaboration and communication platforms with digital capabilities to work in the most challenging environment in such a way that it can be replicated for as many people as possible even after this pandemic is over.

All we need to take care of are:

  1. Technology
  2. Collaboration
  3. Productivity

And if we give a deeper look into it, all these are interdependent on each other. Technology to support communication and collaboration which in turn bring in productivity.

Microsoft Teams to the Rescue

It might be a great idea to migrate to Teams and that can exponentially boost productivity as well, but implementing it in the whole organizational level isn’t as simple as it seems. It needs precision and that precision will determine the extent in ease and productivity of the employees.

Teams enables the organization-wide employees to communicate, collaborate and interact effectively. What matters the most during this global emergency requiring work-from-home is undoubtedly great communication. Teams has emerged as every digital worker’s way of working.

Teams over other Collaboration platforms

What distinguishes Microsoft Teams from other collaboration platforms include integration with Microsoft Office, SharePoint usability, cloud file storage on OneDrive and SharePoint for Business, and better connectivity.

Teams is one such tool powerful enough to redefine how our teams work together. It is the new digital conference room, chatroom as well as an informal communication for substituting office desk chit chat too. Thus, it rejuvenates the entire communication system of the employees to bring in an entirely new generation of collaboration tool for communicating, chatting, file sharing, conferencing and more—all supporting enhanced communication and productivity not only for the in-house people but for the partners, vendors, and most importantly, the clients as well.

Teams Adoption Approach for a new Organization

As the employees slowly get acquainted with Microsoft Teams as the pioneer of their organizational communication, it is wise to choose an organic way to increase Teams adoption. You can start by primarily encouraging just the download.

Once that the employees get a habit of using Teams, plan out the migration. This will include making a list of all the requirements, finding a suitable time frame for the migration, being prepared for emergencies, and so on. This step should also include letting your workforce know about this upcoming Teams migration so that they can be prepared mentally as well as resourcefully. Let them know that all this is to boost their empowerment and encourage them to slowly transition Teams as their primary communication platform.

Making the platform optional, yet an important part of the work culture will pave way for further Teams adoption.

This can then be followed by the Teams migration by choosing any appropriate downtime when shutting off the systems for some time will be the least harmful. After it is done, all the employees will be officially entitled to transition to Microsoft Teams and use it as the primary collaboration platform.

This can be followed by few adoption awareness campaigns such as a Webinar on Teams adoption, internal awareness mails, and so on. The network administrator might be given the responsibility of monitoring and maintaining teams and looking after the requirements of each employee whenever they face any issue.