How To Gain Muscle Mass Naturally

Author: Akshay Chopra

So you just determined that you want to gain some muscle. That is an excellent choice.Not only do muscles look good, they are necessary for your health and for your survival.

Fortunately, we live in a world where information is abundant. Unfortunately, most of what you read online or in fitness magazines are either wrong or simply misleading.Today, we are going to teach you how to build muscle naturally, using scientific proven principles.

Triggering new muscle growth can seem a tricky enterprise, but what works is relatively simple to understand.It involves a consistent approach to training, goal-setting, nutrition and recovery. Here are eight ways to maximise your muscle mass:Who would not like to build muscle and have a physique that can inspire others? And not to,mention the turning eye balls when you pass by?

If you are looking to build muscle naturally, the first thing you should know is that it is 100% possible and you are more than capable of doing it. There are, however, a few key factors that will make the difference between achieving your goal and not even coming close.

1. Set your goal:

An average person will gain 1kg of lean muscle mass a month, but with dedication you can at least double that''.

Setting your expectations is the first stair you need to take on the ladder for muscle building. Though, expectation setting doesn’t help in building muscle directly. But, it will help you keep going without expecting quick results. Trust me; you will hardly see any noticeable change in your body in the first six months even if you gain 12-15 pounds.

Those gains will not help you feel great if you look yourself into the mirror. A 12-15 pound gain especially for a skinny guy is not much in terms of looking jacked or muscular. Let me tell you that the jacked guy you ponder in your gym has spent lot of his precious years in training.

Getting jacked naturally takes years of hard work and sacrifice. So if the Incredible Hulk is not staring back at you in the mirror after a month or two of bulking, don't grow discouraged and quit.

2. Eat More:Your body uses food to fuel workouts, and recover muscles. Your muscles can’trecover and grow if there’s a shortage of food. Most guys need at least 3000kcal/day to build muscle. Skinny guys with high metabolisms need even more to gain weight.You also need to put focus on protein intake as well. Your body uses protein to build new muscle, and recover damaged muscle tissue post-workout. You need about 1.8g protein per kilogram of body-weight (0.82g/lb) to maximize muscle recovery and build muscle. For an 80kg/175lb guy, that’s about 135g of protein per day. The quality of your food plays an influential role. Opt for proteins of a high bio availability with good digestion, such as eggs and whey protein.

Vegetable intake is also an essential part of muscle building as they provide yourbody with essential minerals and nutrients that can aid your body in muscle recovery and muscle growth.

These foods have a wide array of amino acids that your body will rapidly make use of for helping to grow and repair muscle tissue.

Maximum muscle anabolism (growth) happens only when the body’s proteinrequirements are met. Current research suggests that meeting a minimum of 30g of protein per meal can help maintain muscle and control body fat levels.

3. Recovery Time:Your muscles need to recover from your workouts to grow stronger and bigger. They can’t recover if you work them hard every day. Even your mind needs a break. Take three to four rest days a week. Help your muscles recover by getting plenty of food, water and sleep.

Ever had that stiff muscle pain a few days after your workout? That’s DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and while it can be a good indicator that you have accomplished a tough workout it may not necessarily be an indicator of muscle growth.

Your body does most of its repair work at night so aim to get 8-9 hours of sleepwhich will give your body enough time to repair your muscles.

All in all, don’t ever let anyone tell you building muscle naturally is not possible. That is simply not true. It will be a slow process, but if you learn to enjoy it you will eventually get to where you want to be.