How to Use Async and Await For Asynchronous Coding In Node.Js

Author: Jameson Andrew

These days every other company is looking forward to a web app development solution that is cost-effective and faster to deliver. JavaScript is gaining new heights being one of the famous and efficient languages to make use of web app development.

Then came the support of Node.js that gets the JavaScript coding covered. There is no other backend platform that can compete with node js and so it has become the feasible option. Large enterprises and companies often rely on node.js as their best solution for web apps development.

While developing the apps, the node js remote debug webstorm can be of good help for the "node js wait for the async function to finish" the operation. Even using the "JavaScript wait for the function to finishing" the developers adapt the tasks efficiently.

Why Async/Await Functions Get the Hype?

JavaScript is asynchronous and using these functions, you can simply tell the code about what part is to be Async. The other part of "node js wait for the async function to finish," i.e., Await.

Based on the different scenarios, one can use async/await, callbacks, or a mix of both. It is up to the developer as per the requirements. The main thing is that the code should be understandable to the self as well as others.

How Is This Helpful?

The Async/Await function makes the code look synchronous, which in turn is more comfortable for humans to understand.

For example:

async function printAll(){

await printString("A")

await printString("B")

await printString("C")



Many developers often say that the functions async and await perform asynchronous tasks but look synchronous.

How Node Js Remote Debug WebStorm Is Helpful?

The developers make use of a webstorm as it is much easier to debug node.js apps. This way, the code can be explored and understood in a better way to find the bugs. No more debugger and console statements are required to use. Just the system can be written using JavaScript or typescript.

What are the advantages of using Async/Await functions in node.js?

The real-time apps such as games, chat apps, and many more can be built very fast.

Secure coding is possible in JavaScript on both sides - the client and the server-side.

It helps in clearing the gap between the front-end development as well as backend development tasks in a complete project.

As the code executes faster, it is ideal for being the best solution among the development of enterprise apps.

Wrapping It Up

The Async and Await functions of JavaScript enable you to write asynchronous operations in the code. When the function is declared, the "node js wait for async function to finish," and then it returns a promise. Based on this article, you may start exploring more with the Async/Await functions of JavaScript and work as an expert!