Smart Night date looks

Author: Sam Somsak

Plan what to wear. Allot enough time to think of ideas on what you'll be wearing.

It is important to look good on a date especially when it is for first date. It can lead you to a good and bad impression Remember, first impression is the last impression. Think of the best and suitable outfit that you can wear for this special night & You should be in your best look physically and fashionably.

Choosing what to wear on a date can be difficult. There are multiple things you need to consider such as location, type of date and occasion maybe. Knowing that you have a smart attire ready, it will boost your confidence and make you look more gentleman!

If you have a rough idea of what you'll be wearing here are my suggestions. But as what I said you must consider the place where you will be having your date. It is the important so you can wear appropriate dress.

  1. Formal look – You can’t go wrong with a suit and long pants in a matching neutral color Black, Blue, or Gray. This is the perfect look for this kind of date. Suits are the most appropriate attire in this kind of date. Ambassador & Smart Fashion always recommend having bespoke tailor-made suit when it comes to having the best fit. They will provide you the best outcome of your outfit and they give you advise on how to take good care of a hand made dress as well. In this regard wearing tailor-made clothes can make your appearance as if your showcasing yourself. It will enhance your confidence as you know it is a piece of clothing made especially for you! Remember "What you wear represents what you are." It will also be good if you pair it with a red tie as red color attracts a woman!
  2. Smart Casual look

For you to achieve this kind of look during your dates you can wear, a shirt and chinos, it is a smart choice of outfit. If it’s kind a cold, you can put on a sweater for an elevated touch. There are lots of fabrics to keep you warm; however, Ambassador & Smart Fashion recommends cotton, as it is the universal fabric right? it can be thin or thick and it is not too bulky. Top off your look with a casual blazer which could be nice in a check design. Wear a fancy belt after tucking in your shirt and match with leather loafers. It is said that casual look is the best chance to express a true sense of personal style. Do you agree with that?

3. A relaxed or comfortable look

In this kind of look keep your outfit comfy and casual so you can focus on making a connection, and have a good conversation with your date. In this kind of date, you can wear loose but stylish jeans. Also, find a comfortable fitted cardigan or sweater these will give for sure a cool vibe. If you’re tucking in your shirt, be sure to wear a belt for a tied-together look. Sneakers or flat shoes is an ideal for a casual look. However, you must make sure they look elegant that will make your casual look perfect. You can always get a comfortable shirt that is casual tailor made too.

4. Modern look

When you say modern look, it can be formal or casual. For example, if you are meeting up with your date for a cocktail party you can wear suit a modern suit. A modern fit suit falls down the middle between a classic and slim fit. In short, this modern look can be formal, smart casual & comfortable look, all you have to do consider is the place or maybe a party for your date could have a dress code, so you’ll need to prepared of what’s appropriate dress for this. A modern suit does not have to be the classic colors. In fact, you can always play around with fabrics that have patterns or even the colors such as maroon, bottle green or royal blue.

Ambassador & Smart Fashion (Ambfa) has been providing this kind of dress for more than 50 years with its professional & finest tailor that use only quality & imported fabrics that suits to your taste. With bespoke clothes you can be on yourself. Wearing your own style and showing what you got. Ambfa Tailor can give you advise also when it comes on how to dress accordingly using bespoke