Is Current Curriculum Company Upgrading the Path of Teaching?
The world is your classroom but are the classrooms following the correct curriculum and teaching strategies? This, indeed, is a question to be pondered. With the current Indian education system evolving drastically over the years, various perceptions regarding curriculum creation and teaching methodologies have come to the forefront. The concept of Gurukul has replaced with the advanced level schools and their learning system.
Even if these upgrades did happen, the old-fashioned teaching style wasn’t replaced or upgraded. Even though different students have their way of grasping information, year after year, the same pattern of educating and teaching children are being followed. Where schools are meant to prepare students by enhancing their potential, what they unintentionally doing is wasting young talents.
To cope up with such issues, curriculum company in various parts of India have taken up the initiative to drive the course of educating action in the correct direction. Here are a few points on how they are working.
1. Revise the Education System’s Purpose
Instead of generating pen-pushers, curriculum companies are using educational modernity to make students fall in love with their subjects rather than endure it throughout the entire academic life.
The goal of such curriculums is to create genuine writers, thinkers, scientists, innovators, and entrepreneurswho can establish a strong base of a knowledge-based economy. They won’t be stuck at call centers even with a degree in engineering.
2. Concentrate on Skill-Based Education
If you feed a person one day, you are giving him food for a day. But if you teach that person how to grow crops, he would feed himself and his family for life.
This is the power of skill-based education. If a child loves Art, he/she should be encouraged to follow that subject and not forced a different one.Today’s pressurization on kids (especially the ones in kindergarten to young adults) to follow a job perspective subject is only going to make them feel worthless and develop inferiority complex later if they can’t achieve it.
3. Involve both Theoretical and Practical Approach
If you read or listen to something, chances are high that you would forget it. But if you attain the same information through a practical approach, that knowledge remains intact. What can be a better example than children remembering nursery rhymes when they act while memorizing it. Don’t you still remember ‘Twinkle Twinkle?’
Curriculum companies believe in the practical approach more than the theoretical approach, and so implements the same in the curriculum.
4. Customized School Curriculum
and Learning Style
Every child has a unique way of perceiving and learning something. Curriculum companies simply follow that by designing personalized learning programs. It is a welcome change from the standard teaching methodology where the same information is explained the same way to every student having completely different interests and abilities.
The customized curriculums have information that had to be taught via different modes like:
i. Visual imagery (videos, pictures, toys)
ii. Auditory (stories with morals)
iii. Self-exploratory options (teachers’ individual and innovative ways to teach students)
Even though the above points are an attempt by the curriculum designing companies to impart education in a better way, what matters more is the implementation of such concepts by the schools. The education industry needs to be more progressive, connect to the daily school curriculum with a problem-solving attitude, and associate with students with a real-life teaching approach.