Fur Coat for Fun
A fur coat can be a present or gift of a lifetime to the woman you love. A fur coat is one that is expensive, that is luxurious and that will be personal as a gift to the person that you love. You can give the gift of a fur coat, a fur stool, a fur bag, or a fur-lined jacket to a woman that will keep her warm in times where the weather is very cold. Fur coats do require a special need to be worn when you take her out, so don't forget to give her a fur coat and a promise to get out and go somewhere she can wear that fur coat.
You can give a fur coat to your mother, as a present or gift for mother's day or for her birthday. A fur coat can cost between a hundred dollars, to a few thousand dollars, depending on the type of fur, the type of material the fur is used with, and the size of the coat.
The more rare the animal, the higher the price tag is going to be. If you are purchasing a fur coat for your mother, be sure you are making the choice of one that you really think she is going to love, a short coat, a long coat, a jacket, or a scarf like stool.
Purchasing a gift for your girlfriend
If you have a gift to purchase for your girlfriend, you should consider a fur coat. You can purchase a real or fake one. The fake fur coat is more of a purchase for the girl friend you want to impress, that you want to look good, but you aren't sure if you are going to spend all that money just yet on her with getting her a real fur coat. If you are happily involved, and you feel the relationship is going very well, consider the purchase of a real fur coat, one that will bring her even closer to you than before.
Buying a fur coat
If you are purchasing a fur coat for your wife, you should consider buying one that will fit her personality. Does she love the color red, black, white or a mixture? There are all types of fur coats, one that is leather with a fur collar, or with fur cuffs. There are also fur coats that you can purchase that are going to keep a woman warm down to the coldest temperatures because of the down lining or the lining that is put in the fur coat.Click here Aria Moda
Other types of fur coats can be worn when it is chilly outside and it is not going to keep warm when the temperatures dip down to a very cold temperature. Check out the fur coat you are considering purchasing, and think about where she will be wearing that coat before you actually make up your mind on the coat you are going to purchase.With the winter months looming just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about buying fur coats. Whether you're buying fur coats for the first time or are simply updating your wardrobe, it's important to check the quality of the fur and the construction of the fur jacket before you make your purchase.
Inspect the Fur
It's always important to check the quality of the fur when buying fur coats. Since fur apparel can be made from the pelts of a variety of animals (mink or fox, for example), and pelts of the same type can vary greatly in quality, make sure that all the pelts on the coat match in color, hair length, luster, and consistency.
One of the best techniques when buying fur coats is to do a side-by-side comparison. Look at coats of the same fur type, in different price ranges. Ask your sales person why they are priced differently. Ask yourself why one looks better than the other, and then ask the sales person why these characteristics differ. Also, always run your hand through the fur itself and look closely at the hairs. You should see and feel the soft layer of under-fur beneath the outer guard fur. When it comes to mink fur the higher qualities usually have a denser, more consistent under-fur and a shorter guard hair length, giving a more velvety, rather than hairy, look.
Check the Construction
Checking of the construction of the coat you wish to purchase is another important aspect to consider when buying fur coats. You want to be sure that the coat is well made. To do this, examine the seams. They should be straight, not jagged or rough. There should be a nice, even transition at the seams where two pelts are joined. Also, look for seams (or "cuts") through the middle of a pelt; if they are prominent you may want to choose a different coat.
In addition, depending on the fur type you may be able to see a natural striping down the center of the pelts. From pelt to pelt, these should be consistent in both color and width. If they are not, the quality of construction could probably be better. Paying close attention to the coat's construction will help ensure that you purchase a better quality fur garment. Do NOT be afraid to throw a fur coat on the floor of the store and spread it out. This is a very good examination method when purchasing fur coats.
After you've checked the construction of the coat, try it on. If the coat fits properly, it should feel balanced on your shoulders. If the coat feels lopsided or unbalanced, it may need an alteration to fit your body. It should also look like it hangs straight, on your body.
Fur or Faux?
One of the most important things to consider when buying fur coats is whether or not the fur is real or faux (i.e. fake). Faux fur is a petroleum product that is very similar to floor carpet. It is not an eco-friendly product, whereas real fur is one on the greenest products in existence. There are numerous tests you can perform to determine if a coat is made from real animal fur or fake synthetics:
Feel the fur: Before buying fur coats, roll the fur between your fingers. Real animal fur will feel soft and smooth to the touch, while faux fur will feel bristly and coarse. Faux fur will actually feel very similar to carpet fiber.
Examine the fur closely: A real fur coat will usually consist of two lengths of hair, the under-fur and the guard hairs, while the hair on faux fur coats tend to be one uniform length.
Check the leather: When buying fur coats, it is best to try to see if you can examine the backing of the fur. If it is leather, then it is real fur. If it is synthetic, or cloth (similar to a burlap material, it is faux. If you cannot see the backing, then try sticking a pin through the coat. If the pin goes through easily, chances are it's a fake.
Burn the hair: This is one of the most important tests to perform when buying fur coats. If your fur purveyor allows it, pluck a few hairs from the fur and light the ends with a match or lighter. Real animal hair will singe and emit a burning hair smell. Faux fur is usually made from synthetic plastic products that will melt and roll up into tiny balls and will smell like burning plastic.