How Aerofloat’s Dissolved Air Flotation (AeroDAF) System Works

Author: Aero Float

Dissolved Air Flotation, which is regularly abbreviated as DAF, has become one of the most popular waste management systems due to how effective it is. The system itself is highly adaptable and can be customised, which has led to the waste management experts at Aerofloat to creating a unique and patented approach called the AeroDAF. Our innovative spin on the DAF system has helped us become a leader in the waste management space and is a great choice for nearly all businesses, large or small.

What is different about AeroDAF?

AeroDAF is similar to a regular Dissolved Air Flotation in that it removes oils and solids from wastewater. This process is done by using pressurised dissolved air that goes into the wastewater. Once the pressure is released within a flotation tank basin, millions of bubbles are formed that lift the suspended matter. This sludge rises to the top of the tank, where it can be removed by a skimming device.

Our patented AeroDAF system goes even further as it uses a specialised tank that has a 60 degrees conical bottom and top. When paired with our patented hydraulic float removal system, it is able to funnel waste material from the top of the tank without any mechanical scrapers like other systems use. That has a lot of bonuses for businesses as there is less maintenance and our system lasts longer while also being more affordable and smaller in size.

AeroDAF has a proven track record

Don’t just take our word for the effectiveness of the AeroDAF system as it has been proven to work. Check out this case study to learn more about how we can help local companies.

Space is a key concern in many parts of Sydney and Italia Smallgoods is located in one of the city’s most popular suburbs. As required by law, the food processing business has to have hygiene and wastewater treatment. That can cause a lot of issues for a small busines due to the fees associated with it.

However, by using Aerofloat’s patented Dissolved Air Flotation system, Italia Smallgoods was able to make the most out of the limited amount of space it had available.

The end result was a healthier and better working situation as our sealed system contained all of the odours from wastewater. The company is now able to meet all regulation regarding health and safety, and none of its operations have been disrupted as a result of maintenance or odour issues. If you want to learn even more about Italia Smallgoods, you can do so at the link here.

Aerofloat takes pride in being able to help Australia’s food and beverage businesses, but that isn’t the only area where our AeroDAF system thrives. Any business that needs to manage wastewater and needs to conserve space can take advantage of our wastewater treatment. We’re also able to help businesses manage the levels of fats, oils and grease or suspended solids while processing.