Healthy Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice:

Author: Bhuvan Sharma

Aloe Vera juice is one of the best gifts Ayurveda has given to us. It has the potential of curing a range of ailments. It has been a part of many Ayurveda practices, medicines, and tonics. Aloe vera is also a major part of the beauty industry due to its benefits for skin and hair. In this article, however, we would be knowing about the Aloe Vera Juice, and how its oral consumption is beneficial for you.

What is Aloe Vera Juice?

If you have ever seen an Aloe Vera plant, then you must have found that there is a thick flesh in the aloe vera plant leaf. Aloe vera juice is a gooey liquid made from that thick flesh. Aloe Vera juice is widely famous for treating sunburns but drinking this elixir regularly can give you numerous other health benefits.

It is made by crushing or grinding the whole leaf of Aloe Vera. Thereafter, it is purified and filtered to make it suitable for drinking. It is bitter in taste henceforth often other ingredients are also mixed up to make it tolerable for drinking.

Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice:

1. Alkalinity:

If your body is more inclined towards acidity then it is more prone to many diseases. Therefore you need to eat and drink alkaline foods for maintaining the pH balance. Aloe Vera juice comes with great alkalinity which can help you in this. Other choices for alkaline food are:

  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Root vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Fruits

2. Hydration:

Do you know that the translucent gel of Aloe Vera contains 96% water? Hence, it is a natural remedy or cure for dehydration. Hydration is necessary for your body as it helps in detoxification and flushes out impurities. There are also many nutrients such as organic, inorganic compounds, a type of protein which contains 18 of the 20 amino acids found in the body and Vitamin A, B, C, and E. These nutrients optimize the output of different body organs.

It is inevitable as kidneys and liver are majorly responsible for purifying your internal body and producing urine. Hence, you must keep them healthy.

3. Liver function:

Liver is the key organ which plays an important role in detoxification of the body. To keep your Liver healthy, consuming Aloe Vera juice is an excellent way. The reason is; your liver works best when it is adequately nourished and hydrated. For hydration, as discussed in the above point, Aloe Vera juice is ideal.

4. Constipation:

The water content of the Aloe Vera will also increase the water in your intestines. The increase of water in the intestines and stimulation of peristalsis will help you pass stool normally.

So, if you are facing the problem of frequent constipation, then definitely include aloe vera in your normal routine. It will optimize the level of healthy bacteria in your gut, keeping your healthy intestinal flora balanced.

5. Anaemia:

Anaemia is the condition in which the body gets a deficiency of iron and lacks enough healthy red blood cells. Aloe Vera juice is helpful in treating Anemia. Drinking aloe vera juice before a meal can stimulate your bone marrow, which creates red and white blood cells. Aloe juice can help reduce the fatigue and headaches associated with anaemia.

6. Clear skin:

Aloe Vera is highly recognized for its benefits in skincare. It is widely used by cosmetic companies due to its skin factors beneficiaries. Drinking aloe vera juice can reduce the frequency and appearance of acne on your skin. It is also helpful in treating skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis.

There are many antioxidants and vitamins in Aloe vera which can protect your skin.

7. Boost in Nutrition:

Aloe vera juice is fully packed with nutrients. Regular consumption of it will never let your body get a deficiency of several nutrients. It contains important vitamins and minerals like vitamins B, C, E, and folic acid. It also contains calcium, chromium, copper, sodium, selenium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, etc.

8. Heart Problem Relief:

You can get relief from a sudden heartburn attack by drinking aloe vera juice regularly. The compounds present in aloe vera juice help control secretion of acid in your stomach. Aloe vera juice has also shown in healing the gastric ulcers.

9. Improve Digestive System:

If you are facing an upset stomach problem, or your digestive system is not working optimally, then you will not get all the nutrients from the food you are consuming. Your internal digestive system should be healthy in order to reap all the benefits of your diet.

10. Beauty Agent:

You can get many benefits for your overall beauty of skin and hair through aloe vera juice. You can use aloe vera gel as:

  • Make-up primer which you can apply before foundation
  • Make up remover
  • Sunburn soother
  • Lightweight moisturizer
  • Irritated scalp treatment

Wrapping Up:

At Bhumija Lifesciences, we provide you with the best quality Aloe Vera juice and other herbal products which you can trust and include in your daily routine. We deal in herbal as well as remedies related products.