Tips To Ensure The Integrity Of Thread Gauges

Author: Sophie Belmore

Thread gauge is one of the simplest but the most useful inspection tools. For any inspection tool to be useful, it is important that the integrity of the tool is protected. Once the tool integrity is compromised then the inspection tool renders itself useless. The same applies to all types of thread gauges including thread ring gauges and UNF thread gages. Here are few important tips to ensure the integrity of the thread gauges.

It is important to source your UNF thread gages and all types of thread gages that you use for inspection purposes from the most dependable suppliers. You need to establish the credibility of the supplier beforehand so that each time you need to order your thread gauges you are not required to screen your suppliers. Sourcing always from the pre-vetted suppliers will ensure uniform quality of the thread gauges that you purchase.

Before using the thread gauges, you need to clean them thoroughly to ensure that there is no dust, debris or bur in the threads or the parts that are being tested. Dust, debris or bur can increase the wear and tear and it will also damage the gauge surface over a period.

During the use, it is important that the thread gauges are used only in workstations. This will save your thread gauges from getting exposed unnecessary risks that could potentially damage the thread gauges and affect the integrity of the gauges. Make sure the workstation is cleaned before you start inspecting the threads.

When not in use, the thread gauge should be stored in the appropriate cases. The same applies if you are transporting the thread gauges from one location to the other. Using seal peel or wax to quote the surface of the thread gauges will help in protecting the gauges from possible damages.

Always use these gauges in a place where there is adequate lighting. Working in poor lighting conditions could affect your ability to access the issues, which in turn could damage the thread gauges. Do not thread the gauges wrongly and if you notice wrong threading do not force it any further.

Do not drop the thread gauges as dropping the thread gauges could cause damage. If the thread gauges are dropped accidentally, you need to immediately check the gauges for damages and issues.

Keep the thread gauges well lubricated before use. They should also be protected from rust. Keep them away from moisture and store them in dry places. All your thread gauges should be periodically checked for accuracy. The frequency of these inspections will be decided by the extensiveness of use.

If taken care well, all your thread gauges will last long without losing its integrity. You need to pay attention to these basics and follow the thread gauge usage best practices. All these care and attention will make sense and be of use only when you source the best quality thread gauges with the highest level of accuracy.