Orthopedic Braces and Rehabilitation Supports for Effective Pain Relief

Author: Shailesh Gajjar

Musculoskeletal pain has become so common in the modern world that either you may have it or you know someone suffering from it. Whether it is pain of the neck, shoulder, back, knee, ankle, or any other body part, you should never ignore it. Body ache, muscle tenderness, and joint stiffness mean your body needs additional support.

Now, this support can be in the form of support braces. In the past, physiotherapists had to use rigid braces for injuries and medical conditions. However, modern supports and braces come in many shapes and sizes. In addition to using them for acute injuries, many medical experts now use supports for chronic pain as well. So, whether you have suffered from an occupational or athletic injury or you have a medical condition such as arthritis or fibromyalgia, rehabilitation support braces can help you in alleviating the pain.

Supports and Braces: Placating the Pain Effectively

You can use orthopedic supports and braces for treating multiple ailments including osteoarthritis, muscle sprains, muscle stiffness, muscle spasms, tendonitis, etc. It also helps with reducing numbness in limbs and eases stress and anxiety.

>>Support braces provide warmth and support, thus reducing the inflammation in the affected body part.

>>Warm temperatures allow muscles to relax and alleviate joint stiffness.

>>Orthopedic rehabilitation supports promote blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels and help muscles in getting enough oxygen and thus, promote the reduction of lactic acid build-up.

>>They improve the mobility of the affected body part and prevent further injuries.

>>Your physiotherapist may suggest support braces for better stability and a faster healing process.

>>As modern-day supports are comfortable to wear under clothing, you will be able to go about your normal routine without any trouble.

What are the Different Types of Orthopedic Braces and Supports?

With the advancement in modern technology, you will find a wide range of self-heating supports and braces available on the market. Made with heat-sensitive materials such as tourmaline and ceramic, the braces offer enough heat to the body part to alleviate pain. And, because they are non-electric devices, you can use it anywhere you want.

1. Neck Supports

Often times, you may feel stiffness and pain in the cervical vertebrae. To soothe the muscles of the neck area and help joints with faster recovery, your physiotherapist may suggest you buy neck support. It is ideal for treating cervical pain, bone spurs, and stiffness in the neck.

By opting for self-heating neck braces, you will be able to improve blood circulation and balance the energy flow of the body, thus leading to better well-being and improved health.

2. Shoulder Supports

Ideal for inflammation, pain, and instability of the shoulder, shoulder supports are available in many sizes to cater to a large number of patients. By providing stability to the shoulder joint, the supports help in quick recovery. They also improve posture and thus, help in avoiding future injuries.

3. Elbow Supports

Also called compression elbow sleeves, elbow supports are useful in stabilizing the elbow joint and alleviate pain. Whether you are suffering from tendonitis, tennis elbow, golf elbow, or any other type of elbow pain, elbow supports will relieve pain and allow you to focus on your routine activities easily. In addition to pain relief management, many athletes prefer using elbow supports to improve their range of motion and enhance their performance.

4. Wrist Supports

You may have noticed many badminton players, tennis players, bodybuilders, weightlifters, and other sportsmen use wrist supports and braces. It is because the wrist braces help in stabilizing the wrist and offer maximum support. Wrist supports are also suggested by medical professionals when patients are suffering from acute or chronic wrist pain. You can choose auto-heating wrist braces to compress the wrist and provide the required amount of heat to the affected area. It will expedite the healing process.

Note: Due to the rising cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, specialized carpal tunnel wrap is also available to help patients with the pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm.

5. Back and Lumbar Supports

From sciatica, scoliosis, herniated discs, ligament damage, muscle sprain, nerve injuries to osteoporosis, there are multiple reasons to back pain. By using lumbar and back supports, you will get immediate pain relief. Back supports are ergonomically designed and offer enough stability to help you perform daily movements without any trouble.

6. Knee Braces and Supports

Old age, sports injuries, or accidents: knee braces help the patient walk without excruciating pain. From self-heating knee supports that combine the benefits of piezoelectric and thermoelectric therapy to compression knee sleeves for ligament injuries, muscle strains and sprains, you will find many types of knee supports to address the varying needs of patients.

7. Ankle Supports

Many patients suffer from weakened ankle joints following surgery or injury. Physiotherapists recommend using auto-heating ankle supports for treating their injuries along with other problems such as muscle sprain, muscle strain, Achilles tendon, plantar flexion, etc. The self-heating supports are designed for therapeutic warmth and sufficient compression to alleviate pain and aid in faster recovery.

Seek an Expert for Effective Pain Relief

Orthopedic braces and rehabilitation supports are easily available in department stores, pharmacies, and e-commerce websites. But, instead of making a quick purchase, it is essential to get to the root of the problem. For effective pain relief management, you need to consult an expert physiotherapist. The medical professional will be able to tell you what kind of therapy is required in your situation.

Special care should be taken while wearing orthopedic braces and supports. You cannot wear braces for a longer duration of time. A gradual increase in wear is necessary to avoid red marks and pressure sores on the skin. Ideally, support braces should be worn during waking hours, unless suggested otherwise by your medical expert.

Additionally, ensure thorough cleaning of the braces because you will be wearing them regularly. Sweat, dirt, and dust may accumulate quickly and if you do not clean them, it will lead to skin infections.

Are you looking to buy orthopedic supports in bulk? Whether it is auto-heating knee support braces or shoulder supports for pain relief, find all types of supports and braces online. Order in bulk to enjoy wholesale pricing.