Why Choose Artificial Grass Over Real Grass?

Author: Tim Kennedy

It’s every homeowner’s dream to have a backyard with a well-manicured lawn. Don’t you? Yeah, we love the idea of lying back on a green and soft patch of grass on a sunny day and relax. However, let’s admit it, maintaining a lawn is not an easy task. In fact, it’s a tedious job that can consume a lot of time and cost you more.

Why not consider installing artificial grass over natural grass? Artificial grass is everywhere in commercial areas, parks, common areas, kids play areas, athletic fields, front yards, and backyards all over the country. Many tend to consider artificial grass installation Sydney and for good reasons. If you are concerned about artificial grass installation cost Sydney, you shouldn’t be as it offers a plethora of benefits and there are many good reasons to go for it over real grass. Let’s take a look at the reasons:-

Designed to withstand Australian weather

We all like a well-maintained and lush lawn. Unfortunately, natural grass won’t look great in all temperatures. Once it dies, it is very hard to bring it back as you have to start from scratch. This is one of the reasons why summer is a hard time for people with natural grass in their backyards, especially in a harsh climate like Australia. Our Australian grass can withstand our climate and hold its lush green colour even at the peak summer. Artificial turf can make your backyard look like an oasis all year round.

Less maintenance

One of the significant reasons why many choose synthetic turf is it requires minimal maintenance. A real lawn would require regular watering to keep them in good condition. But, it’s not the case with synthetic turf. Once installed, you don’t have to water or trim. Turf requires water only when it needs to be cleaned, which is occasionally. Maintaining artificial turf is very easy as you’ll have to hose the blades off with a short burst of water to get rid of the dirt. Besides, you don’t have to mow at all. In short, maintaining synthetic turf is breeze and hassle-free.


It is no wonder dogs love to play outside, especially on the lawn. Dogs do have a habit of chewing things, and even if they chew the turf, they are completely safe. However, dogs ignore synthetic turf, and any mess left can be cleaned off with water and mild detergent. Synthetic turf is completely safe for your pets.

Suitable for all backyards

Artificial grass can be installed on any backyard, regardless of the size. You can install them around swimming pools as it doesn’t become muddy when it’s wet. Your kids can get as much as water on it and it won’t look unsightly. Both your children and pets can get the most of the backyard. Whether it is a concrete pave or timber decking, or anything, our turf will look great alongside it.

As you see, there are many good reasons to choose artificial grass for your backyard. Speak to our installers. We are happy to help you choose the best turf that suits you and discuss about the artificial grass installation cost Sydney.

The author is one of the best artificial grass installers in Sydney. He offers environmentally-friendly synthetic grass and turf products. Visit https://www.australiansyntheticlawns.com.au for more details.