6 Benefits of Feeding Prey Model Raw Food to Your Furry Friend

Author: Jackson Willam

The prey model raw diet is created with the idea of helping your pet shift to a diet similar to that of a wild canine. However, this doesn’t require your pet to go hunting; you just have to replicate the diet of a wild predator.

It is a very consistent and comprehensive diet that requires you to add 80% muscle meat, 10% raw edible bones as well as 5% liver and 5% other organs. That provides a lot of variety while also making it easy for your pet to stay well-fed without that much of a hassle. It is ideal to find a reliable natural food supplier for buying the prey model raw dog food , B.A.R.F dog food, and many others. Below, I’m going to share some of the main benefits of this diet.

Your Pets Gets to Have More Energy

Processed food will always eradicate energy from your pet. But with prey model raw food, you get the exact opposite. You will have a healthier and happier pet that is precisely what you need.

The Dog Has To Chew Through Skin

Gnawing meat off the bone and chewing over the skin are natural instincts. A dog should never lose them, and that’s what makes such a diet so good in the first place. This food is also good for your furry friend’s dental health, which is always a great plus.

Eliminating the Destructive Tendencies of Your Pet

Most of the pets tend to have destructive affinities. Prey model raw diet helps you eliminate all those instincts naturally. It is also very easy to acclimate to your own pet. Generally, some pets are harder to adapt when related to others, just try to keep that in mind.

You Can Finally Find Some Use for Bones

If you cook often, you end up chucking bones away. The prey model raw diet inspires you to add edible bones to your pet’s diet. Not all bones are eatable, so you should make sure that the ones you give to your pet are not moreover large or hard to break. It might end up initiating problems.

It Is Great for Sick Dogs

The prey model raw food is specially designed for bringing in front all those natural minerals and vitamins that every dog needs these days. The main problem is adapting your dog to this kind of diet, but it is not as hard as you might conceive.

You Can Prepare It Beforehand

Though you can’t prepare it days in advance, you can make this diet the day before you want your dog to eat it. This means it is easier to schedule for you and your pet can always have their food ready to go and not worry about delays from their eating timetable.


The prey model raw food is very inclusive and it comes with some unique elements. It might take a little bit to get used to, but it is very stimulating diets that can help your dog stay healthy and fit. You can find a reliable natural dog food supplier for buying the best quality of prey model raw dog food.