6 Traits Possessed by a Military Veteran

Author: Sarah Kahlon

During years of service to a nation, military veterans endure a strict moral code devised by intense physical and mental training. They are confined by virtues like honor, courage, loyalty, commitment, and integrity. These virtues travel with them wherever they go and are the fundamental parts of their DNA.

The large magnitude of their responsibilities develops in them a variety of leadership traits that very well apply in the business world. Employers hire military vets because of the experience and skillset they bring to the table. Their experiences make them excellent candidates for private-sector jobs.

Here are 6 traits which make military veterans finest at their jobs –


Professionalism is the key to any job, but when it comes to the military, being professional is taught to them in such a way that it becomes an important part of their every-day life. Fighting in a war needs extreme levels of discipline, skill, and commitment which a veteran learns during military service. A military veteran tends to keep these skills as he/she moves into a career after the military.

Decision Making

Decision making is one of the most important skills that most civilian leaders lack. Veterans with a military background can make decisions in both tactical and garrison environments. They are adept at making quick decisions by analyzing the diverse situations they are put in.


Integrity as defined by the military personnel, means putting honesty, sense of duty, and morality above everything else. Dishonesty in the military leads to dire consequences such as people getting seriously hurt or killed and the one who lies is severely punished. As a result, the character of a military veteran is always well equipped with integrity.


Leadership traits are not enough if one does not know to work with a team. Communicating and taking inputs from the team members result in a job well done. Military veterans have a very keen sense of teamwork as they worked together with other soldiers during risky situations.


Organization not only improves efficiency but also effectiveness. This skill is highly valued in the business world. The military teaches veterans how to be organized in a way that will improve the quality and quantity of the work they produce. Well organized veterans create comprehensive and structured plans for operational proceedings.


Adaptability is the ability to quickly adjust to changing conditions. It is a highly valuable trait demanded from employees at workplaces. However, a lot of employees lack it and are resistant to change. Military veterans are trained to gear up for any situation which allows them to adapt in flabbergast situations more easily.

The Bottom Line

Military veterans are perfectly capable of adapting and successfully entering the civilian workforce. They are disciplined team players that strengthen the company’s success and goals. Their skillset and extensive training can enhance an organization’s productivity.

Many private sector companies related to IT, Finance, Healthcare, Security, Administration, etc. hire military vets to boost their economic growth.