5 Ways to ensure you pick the wrong labour-hire software

Author: Entire Recruit

The software you use to run your labour hire business makes all the difference. Sure, you can continue with manual work arounds and tedious, outdated processes, but that’s no way to do business if you want to make a process. The better way is to streamline your processes and functions with technology. EntireHR is a great software that does exactly that. But, there are a lot of options out there that say they do what we do, only to let you down in the long-run. With this dilemma in mind, we’ve created a list of 5 things you should do if you want to pick the WRONG labour hire software.

Let’s get started.


Choosing a software just because that’s what your competitors are using is a bad idea. We can’t stress that enough (Unless your competitor is using EntireHR… then it’s actually a good idea to follow suit, but we digress).

Using what your competitors are using is generally one of the worst things you can do, because your computers are not you! And you don’t want to be like your competitors. Every time you’re talking to a client, do you say, "We’re just like our biggest competitor"?

No. Of course you don’t.

So why would you pick a system that your competitors use?

In all seriousness though, the big reason most people copy the competition is because then they know it works. It’s a fear factor, they’re trying to avoid the risk.

Well, we can tell you that there’s much bigger risk.

Your competitor got suckered in by the same speech and flashy demo you had and when they got their software, it wasn’t as good as they’d hoped. Now if you buy it too, you’re both in a heap of trouble.

Instead of copying, the solution is to do the research yourself and find a software that is customizable to your business and your way of doing things.


Have a set decision making criteria list, and don’t waver from it. Make the list before you start searching. Don’t get distracted unless you find something that’s absolutely out of the box you had no idea existed. (An example of an acceptable distraction is learning that EntireHR offers a mobile app that canallow your clients and workers to easily fill out digital time sheets from their phone. Maybe you didn’t realize this was even possible. Now you do, and it’s OK to add to your criteria list.)

Do not get sucked in by little bells and whistles on the interface or dashboard, or the pretty colors and formats of the reports. Because odds are that when you actually launch the systems later on after getting hooked in by some "nice to have" bonuses, you’ll quickly find that your core list of needs are suddenly is being ignored, and now business critical functions aren’t running.

We’re not saying you shouldn’t have a great looking software with bells and whistles, we’re just saying don’t get so caught up in that, that you miss the real meat of what you needed in the first place.

We suggest making a "need list" and a "nice to have list". Decide what you absolutely MUST Have and don’t budge from that no matter what the salesman tells you. Then create a scorecard that you can use to grade each software you evaluate.

This makes it easy to eliminate the software that don’t have what you need right off the bad, and then quickly choose between the remaining options based on the grades you’ve assigned. If you need a template for looking through and evaluating labour hire software, let us know. We have one we can give you.


Our honest opinion is that in today’s world of subscription-based software, there’s absolutely no need to have a contract. Some companies are trying to sign customers up for a five year contract or something like that. To be honest, we think that’sunethical.

The question is WHY are they requiring a contract?

The business software needs to work, correct?

If it doesn’t work, you’re not going to use it, correct?

And if it does work, you’re going to keep using it, correct?

So, why do you need the contract? If it’s not working for you, you shouldn’t have to pay for it, and if it is working for you, you’ll gladly keep paying. We don’t believe in making people pay for something they don’t want or aren’t actually using.

Call us crazy.


Software without good support is like a good burger without fries and a Coke! When you’re shopping for a new system, make sure the software comes with high-quality and comprehensive support. Or at least support that is customizable to what you need and want. If you’re tech savvy and can do a lot yourself, great! But, for the rest of us, we want to make sure there’s someone there when we make a phone call.

Software providers should offer things like 99% uptime guarantees and 24/7 emergency service. Look into the fine details and ask what is included and what is not included with your support package. Is support included in the overall license?

Ask lots of questions, so you know what you’re getting. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with a burger and no fries and Coke!


The last thing to make sure you’re taking into account is the track record and ability your software provider has to get you up and running.

Onboarding is a fairly complex process, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. At EntireHR, we guarantee to have you transitioned to the new software and up and running within a specific amount of time, or your license fee is free until you’re up.

Make sure there is a proven and customizable process for onboarding before you sign on the dotted line, or you may be stuck with a half-way implemented software, an empty checking account and a non-responsive software salesperson at the end of the day.


If you want to pick the WRONG software for your labour hire business, make sure you follow the five bullet points above. However, If you want to pick the RIGHT software for your company, learn from the mistakes others have made and do it your way!

  • Find software that fits your needs
  • Make a criteria list and stick to it
  • Don’t sign long contracts
  • Ask lots of questions about support
  • Make sure there’s a solid implementation process

If you have any questions about picking the right labour hire software for your business, we’re always happy to answer any questions you have at EntireHR.