Benefits of using an online bug tracking system

Author: Shibi Satheesh

When a software program or an application does not work the way it is created or designed to perform, it is called a software bug. In most of the cases, these errors are caused by developers or designers. The software testing team uses bug tracking softwares to keep a track of bugs and to report them as the program is being tested.

It is estimated that software developers make 100-150 errors for every thousand lines of code. According to a report from the Consortium for IT Software Quality (CISQ) : "Even if only a small fraction, say 10% of these errors are serious, then a relatively small application of 20,000 lines of code will have roughly 200 serious coding errors."

Why should bug tracking systems be used religiously

Without a proper issue tracking system in place, testers would be required to create a spreadsheet to log in all the bugs detected. This could be a feasible solution in the short term and for a small project, but this is not a permanent solution. Numerous hiccups can arise as a result of this. Here are a few:

  • Not able to view bug status and progress in real-time

  • Task assignment to team members

  • Absence of a central repository

  • Inability to notify team members on status updates

  • Consolidation of statistics manually

Populating the excel sheet with bug reports collected from each team member will be an extremely cumbersome and ineffective process.

All this drives home the point that bug tracking tools are necessary to track and report bugs in real-time and also to coordinate and collaborate with the team members.

Key benefits of using a bug tracking system

Catch issues earlier

It is basic understanding that the earlier you find an issue, the easier it is to resolve it.

Before a project goes live, if the issues are detected, the issues can be fixed more economically. This can be achieved by using a bug tracking tool. Manual tracking of bugs can be time consuming and less efficient. As a result, the software released will have minimal functional glitches.

Guarantee a high quality product delivery

While running an extremely complex and large project, it becomes crucial to track all the bugs and get the reports at a single point to ensure seamless integration. This is the primary focus of a bug tracking software. By identifying the issues in advance, reporting them and fixing them, a bug tracking tool not only ensures seamless communication among team members, but also helps to roll out a product of high quality into the market within the stipulated time.

Better Return on Investments (ROI)

One of the key features of a bug tracking tool is prioritizing the issues that are detected. By way of setting clear objectives, the development team has a clear idea as to what issues need to be focused on. This simply means, no more long meetings or calls.

The team will have more productive hours as they need not clarify trivial issues.

A bug tracker acts as a reference for any future developments and helps to avoid unwanted iterations and thus helps to reduce the development efforts. This means the overall development of the product is faster and so are the related costs.

Efficient communication within the team

Every team uses chats and emails to communicate with each other. In the case of a project, having bugs reported in general emails would mean that the developer would have to do a lot of skimming and back and forth to find out about the reported issue at a later stage. Most of the good bug tracking softwares are equipped with chat interfaces and email notifications. This helps to notify the right person in the team about an issue and thus the problem can be fixed immediately. Having these details segregated also acts as a reference for future developments.

Identify defect trends

A bug tracking tool helps you keep a centralized list of the issues. This repository gives you details of the identified bugs, the process of fixing it and the time taken to fix it. So the entire testing phase is recorded and this can be helpful to keep a tab on the defect trends. This would be extremely valuable in the future production phases. Insightful reports help in future project planning and resource allocation.

Improved service and customer satisfaction

Collaborating among the development team, quality assurance team and the end users is another key feature of most of the modern bug tracking tools. The end users can directly report a bug and they will be able to provide all the necessary information required by the developer to fix the issue. Once the issue is fixed, the stakeholders including the end users usually get notified by way of email. Such a direct involvement of the user in the testing phase brings forth customer satisfaction. Also, it brings a new dimension to product testing, the one with user perspective.

Fewer reported bugs means lower support costs. But when there are no bugs to report, the customers would be extremely satisfied and the chances of retaining them are much higher. Also, clients would find the software reliable and they would be more than willing to recommend it.


Sometimes the wrong form of communication can act as the bottleneck for a high quality product delivery. An efficient bug tracking system can help you eliminate this problem. Using a bug tracking software, the entire dev team can jump in as the reports are generated in real-time and they can start working on the issues based on the priority.

Investing in a high quality bug tracking system will definitely help a company win satisfied customers by way of delivering high quality products, with nil bugs. Also, as far as the development process is concerned, the bug tracking system helps to streamline the entire issue detection, delegation and issue solving. This in turn reduces the turn around time and developmental costs. When the development team has everything prioritized, they are free from unwanted stress and ensures better team work.

In short, a good bug tracking tool can assist a company to manage its resources better and come up with efficient solutions quickly, resulting in reliable and bug free software products which are within the stipulated budget.