How addictive is vaping?

Author: Laura Smith

Smokers have been turning to vaping in their thousands as an alternative to smoking addictions for a reason. Recent studies are proving more and more that vaping can be incredibly helpful when trying to quit that horrible habit. Despite this, many smokers are worried they’re simply swapping one addiction for another. We’re pleased to say there’s nothing to worry about there and here’s why:

Many e-liquids that vapers use are mixed with varying amounts of nicotine, which is the substance that hooks smokers into a chronic addiction. Even though many e-liquids contain nicotine, a significant amount don’t. This leaves the choice in the vaper’s hands and gives them the ability to slowly wean off the nicotine.

Nicotine itself forces the brain to release dopamine, which in turn causes a pleasant sensation and reduces stress levels. The light-headedness that comes alongside is commonly referred to as a ‘nicotine rush’. While this isn't a feeling that lasts a long time, the brain quickly becomes adjusted to the overwhelming amounts of chemicals and starts to crave more. This development into an addiction has been the source of many cigarette dependencies that can often feel impossible to overcome.

Nicotine as a chemical isn’t the dangerous element of cigarettes, despite a huge number of people thinking so. The Royal Society for Public Health recently found that the risks that come with nicotine are more aligned with caffeine as a stimulant. So, if that’s the case, what are cigarettes made of that make them so unhealthy?

Tar, arsenic and carbon monoxide all feature in your standard cigarette and are the parts of smoking which significantly increase your chances of experiencing life-threatening health problems. While vaping contains nicotine, all these bad ingredients never make it into an e-liquid. In fact, the nicotine in vaping is a massive factor for smokers ditching their addiction.

With vaping, users have the choice of how potent they want their e-liquids to be - from 20mg to none at all. This means that if ex-smokers are desperate to ditch their nicotine habit too, the gradual process of getting off nicotine is even easier. The best part? You can still vape when you’re off nicotine!

Vaping also helps when encountering those sticky spots in pubs or bars when social smoking seems to be the norm. Falling back on your progress can be really detrimental for smokers looking to quit the habit. Vaping provides that great alternative which allows ex-smokers to feel part of the group while still engaging in social aspects they may otherwise be missing out on.

Nowadays, everyone understands the impact cigarette addictions have on physical health, with over 78,000 people needlessly dying every year from illnesses derived from smoking. As a relatively new product, vaping has decades of social integration to fight back against when it comes to smoking. It’s time to get rid of the deadly habit and embrace vaping is a valuable and life-saving alternative for millions of people around the world.

For more information about vaping, visit us here