What Does a Waist Trainer Do?

Author: David James

What does a waist trainer do? It does several things both good and bad. Its main purpose is to train your body, your waist, so it looks flatter and sleeker. If used as an addition to a diet and exercise regimen, it can make the look semi-permanent. It can boost self-confidence and self-esteem. It can also do some serious damage if not worn properly.

Before we go any further, a distinction needs to be made. Certain celebrities are wearing latex garments and claiming they are waist trainers when they are not. Yes, they may look like corsets, but they are not. If the garment doesn’t have "boning" (used to be actual whale bones and are now strips of metal or thick yet flexible plastic rods), it’s a waist cincher.

A waist trainer is a corset with bones in it — most favorably steel bones. The bones are what allow the waist to be trained properly and not just slimmed. In addition, a waist trainer is not the same thing as a post pregnancy belt, and it should not be used in place of one. A post pregnancy belt is for temporary use to assist postpartum recovery.

Let's look at the good and bad of wearing a waist trainer.

What Does a Waist Trainer Do That’s Good?

  • Flattens the waist by compressing the abdominal muscles

  • Assists with weight loss along with a proper diet and exercise regimen

  • Improves posture with the bones making it nearly impossible to slouch

  • Provides compression of core muscles during exercise

  • Provides an hourglass figure with accentuated breast and hip

What Does a Waist Trainer Do That’s Bad?

  • Rearranges internal organs moving them into unnatural positions

  • Compresses the gastrointestinal tract and potentially causing serious digestive issues

  • Compresses lungs potentially causing breathing issues

  • Can fracture floating ribs through compression

Serious waist trainers know the famous adage of "no pain, no gain" doesn’t relate to what they’re trying to achieve. If the waist trainer hurts, it has to come off immediately. It’s not something to be rushed into. This said, there are several factors that affect the results of waist training, and this is taking into account everyone is different.

  1. How long the waist trainer is worn.

It is recommended a newbie begin by wearing the trainer for about an hour.

  1. How often the waist trainer is worn.

In the beginning, wearing it only a few times a week is recommended

  1. How tight you wear it.

Waist trainers have charts to help determine how tight you should start wearing it, but it must be noted if it adversely affects your breathing, you need to loosen it.

  1. Diet and Exercise

These are very important for making the waist training a success

  1. Genetics

Some women just can’t achieve the hourglass figure no matter what they do.

Waist training has been around since the 1500s when a French woman invented the first corset. It went out of favor after a century of being considered high fashion because of all the health issues long term use created. It’s certainly not for everyone.