Home Buyer Checklist

Author: Trustedservices Advisor

If you have gotten stuck in the search for your home, I have a surprise for you. I have prepared a checklist of ten questions from the buyer. It is not a test, there is no score, only you and your family environment can conclude. Therefore, what counts most is sincerity: sometimes stopping and writing is a necessary exercise to clarify the situation. You and only you know if you want to buy a property to improve your quality of life, to have more space, more tranquility, or more proximity to someone or to work.

Tips to buy a home

I hope this document can help you understand why you have not yet found your home. If you want to go hand in hand with a professional, contact me without obligation, send me your answers by email, I will be happy to assist you

Tips for buying property
  • Where do I want to live and why, do I have a street in mind and why?
  • What would you be willing to give up for the same price, to have more space or the area?
  • Do I want to make a comprehensive reform to give a personal touch to the house or just the essentials?
  • How many homes have I visited? Why have I discarded them? Here you must think if, for example, you wanted a home to reform and in the end, you have only seen apartments already renovated... in this case, it is evident that you have a problem between your search method, your objectives, and the market
  • Does my budget fit the market? You have to be honest and reflect if you have seen something interesting in your price range
  • Do I have time for visits? Or you look only at weekends and you can visit only one property from time to time
  • On what reasonable date would I like to enter my new home? It is important to set a goal… before summer… after Christmas…
  • Do I have to adjust my expectations? I know it is the hardest question to answer but it is not like that, you still have to ask for help from an expert who can locate the property that you cannot get
  • Do I know how to negotiate with the owners? Negotiating does not mean saying the price that suits you best, it means understanding the needs of the selling party and reaching a solution in which you are both happy, that is why you need to argue the price of the offer
  • Would I like a professional to be on my side?

Due to all these factors, if you want specialized professional help, and care about your needs, count on your real estate shopper.


Now you get the idea while purchasing the home which things you have to take care of, to reduce the workload for Houston or Texas based users, I am referring you to the Business Listing for Houston investors so you can easily track & get the best Homes for your workings & Living style.