4 Factors that Can Influence Your B2B Lead Generation Results

Author: Satyajit Shinde

B2B marketers are fond of numbers! Numbers or leads; it means business at the end of the day! And when it comes to b2b lead generation; there’s no doubt that inbound marketing enhances it manifold. Likewise; content and various other factors have a great impact in deciding the fate of lead generation for any organization.

While you get that lead generation machine of your business up and running fast; don’t forget to oil and grease it with great content. Inbound marketing invariably brings content as an enabler and a facilitator of leads and eventually more business.

So let us see how content and some more factors can amplify B2B lead generation!

Motivating content:

Content today is the real face of your business. No matter the type or size of your business; content reaches out to your target audience. It is no doubt the strongest pillar of your sales and marketing activities today. But what content also does is it motivates people to take action.

It is only an actionable sales and marketing strategy that works wonders. If your content is making people reach out to you, show interest in your business and eventually motivate them to talk to you or engage with you seriously; have no doubt; you are serving the right content to the right audience.

Type of content:

Authoritative content aligns well with most b2b businesses. Any type of content that adds value has the maximum capability to create a huge impact on your target audience. Content that not only acts as an ice-breaker; but also acts as an enabler and one that adds valuable information in the form of well researched data, valuable insights and makes up for thought leadership content; is the content that is most consumed today.

Overall, your content has to be a definitive resource that the audience would like to consume; make them seek more and eventually engage with you, due to the credibility established through the content.

Pull out all stops:

Agility and being open to new experiments and innovative approaches is the thing today and you don’t want to be left behind. When it comes to generating b2b leads; it’s best to leave no stone unturned. Pull out all the stops when it comes to generating new ideas for better strategies that can get you new business.

This means you have to get creative, innovative, flexible and more open to trying new ways of creating content and also creating marketing strategies that are more customer focused. This is one thing that is sure to get you some good leads.

Company culture:

What does company culture have to do with generating leads, right? Maybe it isn’t directly related but it does have an indirect impact on business. Your company culture matters and affects your work relationships and eventually also your relationship building skills with the customers.

For example if your company is not customer-centric; it will take that much harder for you to build a rapport with your customers. When you make promises through content it should also translate into actual services and practicality. Company culture is usually passed down to each team member and whether you realize it or not, it does affect business in the long run.


So whether it is inbound marketing, content, content type, company culture or anything else; it does take a comprehensive strategy to win leads. The more you are open to adopting new and innovative approaches in generating leads and are also levering the power of what you have and can do; there’s never going to be a dearth of leads for you.