Solution for female infertility issues by experts

Author: Amisha Tyagi

As many as Indian women or approximately 15% of the women doesn’t conceive on various grounds.A study conducted to evaluate the efficacy of various factors have proved that obesity, stress, lifestyle, diet, hormonal factors are individually varying and women itself is a factor open for any or all of this factors making to be significant and every effort that the practitioners putting in is becoming just a trial and error but not 100% perfect.But it is not a irreversible condition in most women.Prevention is better than cure is what I belive truly.Experts suggest some factors as follows.

1. Prevent obesity

BMI is the body mass index that the women must be kept in mind because, women who are optimal and moderate in their body weight will have double the chances of fertilization.Obesity is directly related to conception by preventing hormonal activities, anovulation (absence of ovulation) and amenorrhea or complete/ part absence of a menstrual periods. There can be chances of irregular menses, low quality ovum in those women who are above third degree of obesity, th8us it is advisable to eat healthy and balanced, have a nice sleep. But dieting may not be the right idea, it is good to make some dietary modifications

2. Women must be completely abstinent from ill health habits

Worls women`s health federation has reported that women are almost competing men in terms of ill health habits. Its been a fancy and crowd behavior in most countries and civilizations to consume alcohal, smoking, drug abuse, toxins, use of chemicals, body products that directly Countless relates to ovulation factors, menstrual issues.The excessive intake of alcohal is a reason for metabolic and systemic imparement that can lead to permanent sterility.Tumors formed in the endometrium and ovum can be obstructive for implantation and fertilization.

3.Relaxed life and free from pressure

Most cases women are at more risk for physiologically induced stress like delayed menses, hormonal imbalance related depression but the end result of all these is ovarian dysfunction and fertilization related issues.Having a regular exercise, yoga, and some diversion is vital in maintaining balance.

4.It is good to get marry at right age ( reproductively matured age) Women under most jurisdictions as well as under health related records has been mentioned that a conception before 18 years and after 35 years, both are risky.Women who belong to such category generally suffers from illnesses like tubal disorder or pelvic disease that need to be corrected immediately.Disorders like tumors, fibrosis, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and tubal disorders need to be treated.

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