Benefits of pursuing yoga teacher training course

Author: Devvratyoga Online Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training: Leveraging the synergy of Mind, Body and Soul

Your love for exercise and Yoga drives an aspiration to pursue it as a career where you teach others. Maybe you don’t want to teach, but that gnawing, deep-gut feeling of "I need to know more!" might give an edge to your urge.

If you find that you don’t want to become a yoga teacher, know that you can still profoundly enhance your practice and knowledge by enrolling in a training course.

Or maybe you’re on the other end of the spectrum; that you already know that yoga is your life’s work and you yearn to be a globe-trotting Yogic genius.

Either in any way, you’ll need a lot more than a passion for pursuing your wish or dream.

Let’s talk about it in-depth:

Yoga Teacher Training is designed for aspiring yoga teachers, either as an adjunct to other things they do or pursue as a full-time profession. It is also for those who are curious about its transformative powers, thus prefer YTT to learn more. A Yoga Teacher Training Certification will enable you to

  1. Dive deep in learning different asana styles and its significance off the mat.
  2. Experience the luxury of understanding ancient yogic philosophy
  3. Unlock the theories surrounding the anatomy of the body, how to work with injury and ailments.

It is under the guidance of (certified) teachers; you will find yourself in a journey of discovery across yoga, the world and yourself. With time and practice, you will learn to develop a unique identity that might occur naturally or may take months of training. So, in the process, don’t ever feel overwhelmed, instead, feel connected to the ancient studies, stay inspired to keep opening new doors, always ask questions, and remember that you are a forever student.

How a Yoga Teacher Training Certification benefits you?

A Yoga Teacher Training Certification offers humongous benefits for teacher aspirants and also creates value in ways manifold, something that is less widely known.

A. Growth at a personal level: Once you master advanced techniques and poses from experienced instructors, YTT certification will improve your comfort level with the ancient art. It will also help you take your yoga practice to a whole new level.

B. Embrace change: YTT certification will help you view life in interesting dimensions. You will feel the urge to communicate with new people, discover unique perspectives on life, which will eventually make you open-minded and accepting in nature. Indeed, the benefit of yoga teacher training is worth delving.

C. Connect with your inner self: Breathing is the bridge between your mind and body. Learning meditation and breathing techniques under experienced yoga experts will significantly help in diving deeper into your mind and unearthing your true potential.

D. Make ever-lasting connections: Friendships made during YTT certification are extraordinary. You’ll meet practitioners from all over the world even better when you are pursuing it from best yoga schools that trigger knowledge and cultural exchange.

E. Entrepreneurial drive: The multi-dimensional approach of YTT certification helps teaching aspirants to start their independent classes. Some may even enhance their knowledge and go further to take up advanced studies that align with Yoga studies.

What Yoga Teacher Training Program Suits You?

Now that every yoga school/academy/studio is offering YTT certification choosing the right place to start your transformation is a tough nut to crack. Moreover, a Yoga instructor is in-demand if he or she does a membership from a recognised association. Here we’re referring to Yoga Alliance and alike standards.

Let’s talk more! Here are a few ways; you can plan what type of program fits your learning needs.

A. Determine the place of training: If you’re after transformational life experience, the sky’s the limit. Search for places where YTT is being offered, look into its credibility, curriculum And if there is a particular teacher you admire as a guru, go seek them out! Figure out where you ultimately want to teach, and do your teacher training there.

B. Evaluate the program’s efficacy: No two Yoga Teacher Training Certifications are equal. They vary in quality, effectiveness and course outcomes. You will need to ask these questions to see if you’re going to get your money’s worth:

  1. Is the program registered with Yoga Alliance?
  2. What will a typical day of training be like?
  3. How many hours of practice are there each day?
  4. Who are the coaches, their teaching experience and their teaching pedagogy?
  5. Are any study-related retreats happening during the program?
  6. Reach out to shortlisted program alumnus and get clarity on the program structure, skills learnt, their experience etc.

C. Choose a program structure that suits you: There is a 200-hour course, 300-hour course. If you take both from registered schools, you will also be eligible to register as a 500-hour certified teacher. The 500-hour training is an amalgamation of 200 and 300-hour courses. Generally, a 200-hour certification is a beginner’s level, but studios prefer to hire teachers who are passionate about their continuing education. Elsewhere, some offer shorter certificate programs too. But, if you’re looking forward to an international accreditation like Yoga Alliance, you’ll have to receive 200 hours of training as the minimum for the certification.

Leveraging Digital Platform for Yoga: Rising Online Yoga Teacher Training Certification

At the onset of the pandemic outbreak, the world is making slow strides to adapt to the new normal. Yoga schools are now offering YTT certification online. Putting safety first, online training is a wiser option for teaching aspirants. Even when looking for a suitable online program, the drill is the same at the one performed for on-site programs. (Look above)

After reading this how-to guide surely, you’ll have a framework on dos and don’ts before you make a decision.

If exploring Yoga along with globetrotting on your list, Devvrat Yoga welcomes you. You’ll find us in Varkala, a tiny yet beautiful hamlet on the outskirts of Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. Devvrat Yoga is established with a vision to create an opportunity for dedicated practitioners to deepen their Yogic experience and develop their physical, mental and spiritual practice.

With training, workshops and retreats at the Yoga Sangha, an aspirant can seamlessly perform Yoga practices meaningfully. In the light of recent developments and keeping in safety mind, Devvrat Yoga has launched Online Yoga Teacher Training Certification.

As part of the program, you will have:

  1. Access to the authentic and ancient Yoga practices practised and taught by renowned and specialist teachers.
  2. Flexibility in learning as the curriculum is designed to study anytime, anywhere and at learner’s comfort. The program design ensures all-device compatibility for optimal learning.
  3. No travel expenses to bear as the sessions will be organised via Zoom. The instructors ensure learning effectiveness is retained as on-set training in Varkala Kerala India.
  4. Personalised feedback and support from the mentors.
  5. Access to Sv?dhy?ya, or self-study – Yoga library of Devvrat Yoga to enhance your learning
  6. Advantage as a Devvrat Yoga alumni to join on-site sessions at Varkala, India to accelerate your learning/teaching experience without additional course fees.

Before you jump on this bandwagon of self-discovery, ponder over your present time commitments, lifestyle, work (if you have an alternate day job) and learning style preferences. Once you have decided, prepare yourself for intensive training, brewing new connections and of course plenty of yoga!