Why should you integrate your online store with sales funnel?

Author: Carley Smith

Healthy Sales funnel is the key to success for any business. A marketing funnel is often designed by entrepreneurs to turn their traffic either into subscribers or consumers. This is achieved through marketing automation. You may now be able to turn 2% of your traffic successfully into consumers, but don't forget that the rest 98% are leaving empty-handed from your website. Most probably, they may not return back as well.

You can enhance this, and make them aware of some exciting offers that you are providing to the first time users. For this, you will have to capture their email address so that you can conveniently follow up with them.

If you are not able to make an informed choice, whether you should integrate clickfunnels with Shopify store or not, we have got you covered. Just so you know, ClickFunnels is an effective tool for building robust sales funnels that are sure to convert. Gauge the power of sales funnels and know why it is crucial to have one integrated into your store or website as well.

Why integrate Shopify with ClickFunnels?

Several people working on online stores, and other platforms such as Shopify are using ClickFunnels. You need to manage services, products, and other related content on your online store. Similarly, to effectively carry out all your marketing tasks, you need ClickFunnels to take care of tasks such as the creation of a sales funnel, marketing products and services, getting leads, etc. It merely means ClickFunnels will allow you to manage marketing related stuff, services, products and content as well from a single platform.

After talking about why you should integrate both platforms, let us know the benefits of doing so.

  • Every Shopify site can obtain maximum benefits from sales funnels and other opt-in forms. No matter if it is on a slide-up, pop-up, a separate page of the sequence, or an autoresponder of an email.
  • Manage inventory details for all your products from ClickFunnels.
  • Send information related to the shipping of products directly from a ClickFunnels order.
  • When a consumer orders a product from your Shopify Store, you get to know the details of every order placed, in the funnel. This way you will not have to log in to different places for the information.
  • Conveniently add or manage your products or services from ClickFunnels.

By using an effective and fully functional sales funnel, the overall conversion rate of any website enhances considerably. The ranking is crucial for any online business and such things contribute to the ranking of your online business.

The bottom line

You can also obtain maximum benefits similarly with any online store including Clickbank ClickFunnels. Integrate your ClickBank Store with Clickfunnels and sell products both as a vendor and an affiliate. ClickBank is the host of the finest affiliate programs that are available online. Use the perfect marketing tool to grow your business. Integrate your online store with a salfunnelsnel to gauge the performance of your business better. After integrating effectively, obtain maximum benefits offered.