How Medica Stem Cell Therapy Heals Hip Labrum Tears?

Author: Vaishnav Kumar

Hip labrum tear causes pain in the hip and groin area due to repetitive movement across the hip joint and labrum. Athletes, sportspersons, dancers, etc., who use their hip joints repetitively are at higher risk of having a labral tear. Your physician may suggest you to stop overusing your hips. Else, he may recommend surgery, especially in the case of a full or near full labrum tear. Hip labrum tear requires treatment, but that does not need to be surgical. Medica Stem Cells Clinic in the UK recommends Stem cell therapy and PRP therapy as the best alternative to treat hip labrum tears.

Before knowing the importance of Stem cell therapy, let us know what exactly happens when the hip labrum tears.

What is hip labrum tear?

The hip joint looks like a ball and socket joint, where the ball like shaped the femur (thigh bone) fits into the socket like acetabulum. They both together stabilize the hip and helps to move freely without any discomfort. The hip labrum is a fibrous, cartilaginous ring that covers the socket and provides pain-free movement. The role of the hip labrum is to function as a shock absorber by safeguarding the hip bones. It maintains alignment as well as reduces friction between the ball and socket. It also keeps the synovial fluid in balance.

Hip labrum tear arises due to repetitive use of hip joints in sports activities, exercises, or a trauma that causes wear and tear. The most common cause of labrum tear is the femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). Here, the ball (femoral head) does not fit into the socket (acetabulum). You will have hip or groin pain and discomfort while moving, bending, rotating your hips, play sports, or do exercises. Other symptoms include stiffness, instability, restricted range of motion, locking or clicking sound while moving the hip joint. If not treated at the right time, it can lead to osteoarthritis.

Conventional treatment for hip labrum tear

The conventional treatment methods for hip labrum tear involves R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice therapy, Compression, and Elevation) formula, physical therapy, administration of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and corticosteroid injections. However, these conventional approaches do not heal the underlying cause of the problem. Similarly, physical therapy can only improve the muscles around the damaged labrum. It neither repairs the injured labrum nor stops its further degeneration. If you opt for hip labrum surgery, there is a danger of permanent nerve damage during the surgery. By surgically opening the hip joint, the femoral nerve loses its ability to conduct signals.

Regenerative cell therapy for hip labrum tear

If there is a chance to treat the underlying cause non-surgically, would you opt for invasive surgery to treat hip labral tears? Now you have a non-invasive option of regenerative therapy provided by Medica Stem Cells Clinic in the UK to treat hip labral tears.

Regenerative treatment includes regenerative cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. This minimally invasive therapy can heal and restore the damaged tissues quickly and naturally. In hip labral tears, the blood supply to the labrum will be limited. Hence, it isn't easy to treat the labrum tear with conventional approaches. But regenerative treatment can restore the labrum functioning, rebalance the ball and the socket joint alignment, and enhance the repairing mechanism of damaged areas. Hence, regenerative therapy is the best alternative to hip labrum surgery to treat labrum tears.

For more information about the regenerative cell therapy for hip labrum tear and to have a deeper knowledge of the patellofemoral pain syndrome treatment offered by Medica Stem Cells, you can contact at our clinics in Ireland, London and Dubai.