BIM (Building Information Modelling): A Crucial Step in Planning and Construction of Buildings
The planning and construction modelling system of BIM is quickly catching up all over the world. It is an important and mandated process for the design, planning and construction of buildings in a highly collaborative and efficient manner.
It is a great collaborative process which offers multiple AEC professionals (architecture, engineering, construction) and stakeholders the opportunity to work with effective planning, design and construction of a building with a 3D model.
It also provides data access to the owners to have a better idea about the operation and management of buildings. The data allow the owners to make effective decisions; even for buildings under construction.
The Process of BIM is supported by different tools and technologies to provide digital information about both functional and physical characteristics of places. BIM is a computer file that is not always found in a proprietary format. That includes proprietary related data that can be exchanged for making a good decision related to the built asset.
The BIM software is used usually by the individuals, businesses and government agencies for planning, designing, operating, constructing and maintaining diverse physical infrastructures like electricity, water, refuse, gas, communication (mobile networks, etc), utilities, roads, railways, bridges, ports, tunnels, etc.
In this article, we are going to introduce you to the futuristic approach of BIM in the field of construction. It became a commonly agreed term in the early 2000s. The adoption and development of BIM are being done at different speeds in different countries.
It is found that BIM has existed since the early 1970s. The first computer software tools for modelling buildings were developed in the late 1970s and 1980s. In this software, there is use of different workstation products, for example, GLIDE, RUCAPS, REFLEX and Sonata.
During the early times, the hardware equipment required for their operations were very expensive. This has caused its limited adoption.
BIM is defined as an amazing digital representation of both physical and functional characteristics of a facility by the US National Building Information Model Standard Project Committee.
It helps to make decisions effectively about a facility, since it is an excellent shared knowledge resource.
The old traditional building design is usually based on 2-dimensional technical drawings (Elevation, plans, sections, etc).
But BIM offers a more detailed and in-depth design with 3 primary spatial dimensions (width, height and depth). The role of BIM covers more than just geometry.
You can find a variety of information with the help of BIM like quantities and properties of the components used in the building which also includes information of manufacturers, spatial relationship and geospatial information. It also allows for a wide range of collaborative processes for constructing the building. Starting right from the initial phase of planning to construction and throughout its operational life.
Levels of BIMThere are different levels of BIM for different types of projects. Each level of BIM has a different set of criteria that shows a particular level of maturity. The level of BIM starts from level 0 to 6D. The purpose of all these levels is to know how effectively the information is managed and shared with the entire process.
BIM Level 0Level 0 BIM is almost obsolete these days. This level uses 2D CAD and works with drawing and digital prints. Nowadays most of the industries are working above this level.
BIM Level 1At Level 1 3D CAD is used for the concept work, but 2D is used for drafting production information and other types of documentation. The CAD standards at this level are managed to the standard of BS 1192:2007.
Usually, electronic sharing of data is managed by the contractor from a CDE (Common Data Environment). Many firms in the world are usually at this level and this doesn’t require much collaboration. Each of the stakeholders manages and publishes their own data.
BIM Level 2In level 2 BIM all team members use 3D CAD Models but not in the same model. The way by which the stakeholders exchange information at this level differentiates it from the other levels.
The information about the built environment is shared in the common file format. When the firm uses this with their data; that helps them to save time, reduce costs and eliminate the need for rework. Some CAD software are capable of exporting to a common file format like IFC or COBie.
BIM Level 3Level 3 BIM is more collaborative compared to others. Each team member works on their 3D Model by using a single shared project model. This model exists in a central environment and can be accessed by everyone. This is also known by the name of open BIM which means another layer of protection. It helps to add value to the project at every stage. Future Benefits of BIM
The clear benefits of BIM make it very valuable and necessary. It helps in defining goals and objectives for those who work through these levels and make it more efficient. It is undoubtedly considered as the future of construction; in this modern world.
With this innovation happening in various technologies BIM is also becoming more sophisticated with the 4D, 5D and even 6D BIM. That will play an important role in the process of construction.
Use of this technology around the globe helps to reduce waste by proper optimization of available resources in the process of construction. It has great contribution to deal with challenges like supply chain inefficiencies, planning errors and reworking.
ConclusionBIM has contributed greatly to modernisation in the field of construction. Before BIM, the construction process was done with the help of traditional processes. The inefficiency of technology in the field of traditional construction has many times led to unnecessary wastage of resources.
But these days people have even started building stuff and homes using technology like 3D printers. Technology has advanced so much to make all this possible.
It is a known fact that there is no proper optimization of resources done in the traditional construction process. In this article, we have written about the different levels of BIM that have been used in the construction business to ease the process of construction of buildings. It helps greatly especially with large construction projects, to make it efficient and complete it successfully.