Top 5 Differences between UX and UI Designing for Beginners

Author: Natasha Sriwas

Now-a-days people are getting involved in designing as technology is developing increasingly. First of all for starting a career in it one should have to understand the difference between UI and UX designing.

Let’s explore.

What does User Experience Design mean?

User Experience is a process in which we built strong relationship between company, their products and customers.

Their main motive is to creating a product useful and valuable.

UI Designer must have technical skills of it. They should have ability how to attract to customer.

What does User Interface Design mean?

In this process UI Designer’s is main motive to design product more attractive for user experience. A good UI Design attracts to customers.

UI Design contains such elements like: text, images, videos, check boxes etc.

Difference Between UI and UX Design?

First you need to understand the differences between UI Design and UX Design. They work with the help of each other.

If we talk about functionality so UI is looks of any product and UX is how is it work. Both have different roles.

1. Different focus

One of the main differences lies in prototyping. UI and UX designing are using the prototyping differently. In simple words when meet with customer, we show them designs which is made by UI Designer. On the other side UX Designer does the prototyping which we take for meeting with programmer.

Simply UI Designer mainly focus on the front end and UX Designer focus on back end.

2. The colors they use

UI Designer is free to use many colors and UX designer generally use only black, white and grey color only. They both use different icons too.

When you create a bottom navigation bar so UI designer fully focus on creating its realistic as possible. On the other hand UX Designer inserts button only on right place and leave a message Gray after clicking.

3. The tools they use

They both use different tools. UI designing mainly focus on designing of images. They use tools like Invision etc.

UX Designer mainly uses wire-frames because it save their time and make designs more attractive

4. UX is Not UI

In theoretical terms, UX design includes prototyping, wire-framing, user testing etc. UI design means visual design that means looks of design.

UX designer makes interfaces useful and UI designer makes interfaces attractive.

What exactly UI/UX Designers Do?

You can see many UI/UX designer vacancies on websites. First you need to understand what they do exactly.

Let’s have a look on UI and UX designers skills and responsibilities.

UX Designer Skills and Responsibilities

UX designer focuses on content strategy, product strategy, Prototyping, wire-framing etc. They co-ordinate with UI Designer.

UX Designer's key responsibility is to pre-planning and what technology they have to use. They mainly focus on how we can attracts to customer online and offline.

UI Designer Skills and Responsibilities

The key responsibilities of UI Designer is branding, customer analysis, design research etc.

UI design is appearance of any product, it builds the customer trust. UI designer and UX designer both work together with help of each other.

Remuneration of a UI/UX Designer

Its mainly depends on company, experience, location and projects type. The average salary of UI Designer in US is approx $80/yr and UX Designer $90/yr. UI and UX Designers demand is increasing day by day.

So, these are some important differences between UX and UI Design.

After knowing these differences, one can easily make decision for the future prosperous career.

So, are ready to start career as a UX Designer or a UI Designer?

Lots of UI/UX design training institutes are providing professional UI/UX design courses that you can join. Visit their official site to know in detail about the courses they are offering.