Sunscreens Gel is a lot less harmful than the sun

Author: Derma Essentia

Is Sunscreen Gel more harmful to our skin then the effect of the sun on the skin? What's the truth behind it, does those chemical in it will harm more than the sun or not.

Let's find out together in this article.

Table of content
  • Skin Problem from Sun
  • Safety measurements on Sunscreen gel
  • Toxic substances in Sunscreen gel
  • Harmful ingredients in Sunscreen Gel
  • Unstable nano-particles
  • Do not inhale Sunscreen gel
  • Time spent in the sun
  • Sunscreen Gel SPF 50
  • Which Sunscreen Gel SPF 50
Skin Problem from Sun

Skin cancer and other skin problem that is caused by the sun are the most common in India,

Most are caused by prolonged contact with UV rays, which are also the cause of sunburn, premature aging of the skin, and cataracts.

To protect you from this, the FDA recommends applying 2mg/cm2 of sunscreen gel to achieve maximum benefits

Safety measurements on Sunscreen gel

However, the safety and the composition of these protective screens cause concern, especially on the Internet. Sunscreens are accused, among other things, of containing:

  • Toxic substances and nanoparticles which can cause cancer;
  • Promote the development of melanoma, or lead to vitamin D deficiency, which is linked by the medical community to metabolic diseases including osteoporosis and rickets in children, and to skin cancer.

While the majority of these claims stem from misinterpretations of scientific studies, some deserve attention to demystify the dangerousness of sunscreens.

Toxic substances in Sunscreen gel

There are two types of active agents in a sunscreen gel: chemical filters, composed of organic molecules that penetrate the skin, and mineral filters. Which acts as a barrier to the surface of the epidermis.

Some broad-spectrum products, which protect against both UVA and UVB rays, combine.

Most of the gel sunscreen available in stores contain one or more of 17 chemical including avobenzone, Mexoryl SX, octinoxate, and oxybenzone.

Harmful ingredients in Sunscreen Gel

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), oxybenzone, also known as benzophenone 3, can mimic the behavior of hormones.

At least in fish that were exposed o high doses

In humans, the only health problem identified is photodermatitis, a skin reaction triggered in some people by exposure to the sun.

The octinoxate and enzacamène have, for their part, a low potential to act as a hormone and thus the possibility of disrupting the reproductive system of rats who eat. This does not correspond to the normal use of Sunscreen Gel and prevent any extrapolation of the results of human

Beyond filters, there is another ingredient pointed out: retinyl palmitate, also known as retinol. This derivative of vitamin A is added to sunscreens to reduce the aging of the skin.

A 2012 study by the US Toxicology Program showed that retinol accelerated the development of tumours and skin lesions in mice exposed to UV light. But it is difficult to extrapolate this observation to the risks of skin cancer in humans.

In short, we can choose to avoid these ingredients out of sunscreen at least retinyl palmitate, but for the moment, it has not been shown that they are harmful to humans.

Unstable nanoparticles

The zinc oxide and titanium dioxide have for their failure to leave a white residue on the skin. To remedy this drawback and make their product translucent, sunscreen manufacturers use them in the form of nanoparticles.

A few studies have suggested that these small particles could lead to the formation of free radicals - released fragments of a molecule, more unstable, able to react more with the molecules around them - which could penetrate the skin and damage cells.

Studies sponsored by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Union, however, concluded that nanoparticles of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide did not penetrate beyond the epidermis. And this even if the skin is damaged, for example by a scratch.

Do not inhale Sunscreen gel

Nanoparticles can, however, cause lung damage when inhaled, which is the case when choosing sunscreen spray.

In short, the nanoparticles contained in mineral sunscreens are not harmful to health either, unless they are inhaled, for example by using sunscreen spray. In this case, they can cause lung damage.

Time spent in the sun

Several studies have found that frequent sunscreen gel users have more melanoma, a type of skin cancer.

But when we take a closer look, we see that generally, those who apply a protective screen are also those who spend more time in the sun, a major risk factor for melanoma, with recurrent sunburn.

Gel sunscreens are not enough to protect against skin cancer, but when used correctly they help prevent sunburn, which lowers the risk of melanoma. Hence, lower the risk of getting skin cancer.

Sunscreen Gel SPF 50

Unless you eat it, inhale it, or expose yourself to long hours in the sun, sunscreen gel SPF 50 does not pose a serious health problem.

In India, the general recommendation is to use a product with a "broad spectrum" Sunscreen Gel SPF 50 or SPF 40 protection factor, which protects against both UVB and UVA rays.

Which Sunscreen Gel SPF 50

It could be hard for you to find the right product without all these harmful ingredients. Most of the cases popular brands use these ingredients. But here is one brand: Derma Essentia that offers the safest Sunscreen Gel SPF 50 in India. That you can buy from their website where they have mentioned their ingredients of Sunscreen Gel SPF 50.