Why to Have Managed DNS Service Always
DNS Made Easy is well famous for offering the secure and scalable service of Domain Name System within an internet connection. They are offering their services across the globe with a team of professionals who are well qualified and experienced ones. Their customers are pretty much satisfied with their services as they always provide the best, with the multiple gigabits of connectivity that helps in getting the fastest resolution time every time.
Nowadays, several types of websites are being created and used over the internet by the people. Due to the increased competition level you may find many websites for a single search. As a result, the number of websites is still going up over the internet. But have you ever thought that among so many websites how an internet is able to give the accurate result? To tell the answer you don’t need to be a computer geek or a computer savvy. Well, the domain name and an IP address are required to browse a desired website.
Actually, a system cannot understand any language but a binary language only which is in the form of 0 and 1. That means, to search any website it is important to give an IP address where we enter only domain name then how does a system give exact results every time? The answer is DNS. Yes, a DNS has a major role behind browsing any website. Its full form is "Domain Name Server". Sometimes, it is also known as "Domain Name System" or "Domain Name Service".
The core job of a DNS is to convert the domain names into the IP addresses so that, we can we can browse the websites with an ease. For instance: if we wish to browse a website whose domain name is www.example.com then we will not write its IP address which can be as it would be almost impossible for us to remember all the IP addresses of each website.
The significance of DNS is so much that we can’t even imagine an internet connection without its aid. Hence, it becomes important to have a secured and managed DNS service. It seems to very simple and easy task but in reality finding a correct IP address every time is quite a difficult and complicated task as the whole website will get changed even with a single mistake of a digit. So, DNS works with a network that consists of several servers. These servers help the DNS to find the correct IP address. If one server fails to find the IP address then it passes the query to the next server and so on until they find the IP address.
In modern time, many vendors can be there around the world whose provide various suitable and reliable DNS services. The services provided by them can be stable and scalable that can also support multiple gigabits of connectivity and offer high resolution time.
Given are some of the features that a vendor can provide while offering a DNS connection:
- Provides high speed of
- Provides best resolution platform
- Offer managed and controlled network
- Guaranteed 100% uptime
- Automatic consent to DNS updates
To browse the websites with more speed it is important to choose the best vendor who can also fulfill your requirements. You may find many vendors around you which make can your choice more difficult. However, you can also search them online over the internet.