The Benefits of Online Learning with CodeWizardsHQ

Author: Elizabeth Smith

With so many online coding options, both free and paid, flooding the internet, choosing the best option for your children's education can be tricky. We want to take some of that trickiness out by simplifying the range of options and highlighting how CodeWizardsHQ is the clear choice.

1. Choosing between free and paid - You know what they say: you get what you pay for. Free options may be tempting, especially if you're uncertain whether or not your child will be interested in coding at all. But more often than not when a child doesn't have an instructor to guide them through the process, instilling confidence in their ability to code, they get frustrated by a lack of understanding, discouraged, and drop the activity. Some children may tenaciously pursue it, overcoming the hurdle of self-education, yes. However, when a student isn't giving the invaluable resource of interacting with a live teacher, they were never truly given a chance to succeed in coding.

Does the option you're considering allow students to interact with live teachers?

CodeWizardsHQ brings excellent teachers who know their code and know their craft. These teachers are experts at helping children of all personalities and skill levels develop knowledge and skills that will help them to navigate the digital age regardless of their future profession.

2. Finding the right starting point - When a company is targeting coding classes at an age range like 8-18, you need to be careful about the difficulty level you encounter, or don't, in the various age brackets. An 8 year old with coding experience is going to want more complex material than a 17 year old who's never been exposed at all to coding.

Does the option cater to your child's competencies?

CodeWizardsHQ has up to three different levels in each age bracket and within those levels, students work with live teachers to calibrate each course to their specific need, supplementing or simplifying the projects where appropriate.

3. An option colleges care about - When you're investing in education, you want to make sure that the finances, time, and energy are strategically used as a stepping stone to provide additional opportunities in the future. "I played on Scratch" isn't going to mean anything to the application committee. They want to see things that can be quantitatively and qualitatively measured.

Does the option look good on a college application?

CodeWizardsHQ not only provides set courses which look good on an application, but we are the only online coding school to also provide our high schoolers who have completed Level 3 the opportunity for an internship partnering with a non-profit organization. This real life experience really shines on a college application.

Graduates with STEM degrees make on average $32,000 more annually than those with non-STEM degrees. Even STEM degree graduates who choose non-STEM careers make on average $10,000 more annually than their peers in the same industry. Transform a hobby into a lucrative life decision by investing in quality coding classes which will help your child succeed in whatever field they find themselves.

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