Do I need an Attorney for a DUI Charge?

Author: Joseph Franks

DUI is considered a criminal offense in every state, and most jurisdictions have a zero tolerance policy against drunk driving. Every DUI case is unique; it can be classified as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the extent of damage caused. Many people choose to represent their DUI case without a lawyer, mainly because they cannot afford one or think that saving the expenses is worth the risk. No matter what offense you are held liable for, a lawyer can always help you reach a better or more favorable outcome. San Francisco DUI Attorney affirms that being charged or incriminated for driving under the influence can change the course of your life, so do not take it lightly.

If you don’t play your cards right in a DUI case, you may have to sacrifice your education and career. It is possible that you were wrongfully arrested, but proving your innocence without an experienced legal defendant would be very difficult indeed. A professional DUI lawyer is well versed in all the effective defenses, and knows how to deal with prosecution. People will tell you that first time DUI offenders are better off without hiring an attorney, but that is rarely the case.

Unlike with repeat offenders, first time offenders are spared some leniency. If you have no prior charges of a DUI on record, the prosecutor shall grant you a standard plea offer. The plea offer stays the same, whether you hire an attorney or not; nonetheless, it is just one aspect of the case. A first DUI offense would be treated differently if substantial damage to life and property were incurred; aggravated circumstances, including very high BAC levels, fatal injuries to victims, or a wrongful death could create complications.

A first time DUI offender tends to be emotionally volatile after an accident or arrest. It is probable that he/she does not understand what happened and feel guilty without reason. Even if the defendant is certain that the police charged them wrongfully, they don’t know how to get out of the mess. A DUI lawyer can perceive the fragility of the prosecutor’s case and do better than the standard plea deal; you might have your charges waived off and go back to possessing no criminal record.

In review of all facts, hiring an attorney might not be an option if you cannot pay the fees. A DUI case can cost anywhere between $1000 to $5000. While most DUI cases are resolved out of court, a number of them go to trial, and appointing a legal representative in court trials costs even more. Fortunately, you still have the right to a public defendant if a private attorney seems out of reach. You don’t get to choose your public defender (as they are assigned by state), but it is definitely preferable to going in on your own.

Working with a public defender has its perks. They have ample experience with court trials, and are very well acquainted with local attorneys, and judges. The downside is that their workload is too big to give you as much time and attention as a private lawyer. Public defendants are juggling with multiple criminal cases at a time, so their main focus is on closing each of them as soon as possible. The consequences for repeat offenders are much harsher; therefore, a dedicated private lawyer is their best bet to get the charges reduced or enter a more forgiving plea deal.