Are You Addicted To Your Smartphone? Then It Is High Time To Stop It

Author: Cynthia Masih

It is well said that excess of anything is dangerous no matter what it is. Addiction can ruin your life, whether it is of drugs, alcohol, human or smart phone. In some cases, people ever are not aware that they are addicted to a particular thing.

Are you addicted to your phone? Don’t know the answer? Let’s have a look at the symptoms, which shows that you are indeed addicted to your gadget.

  • You prefer staying up late for using a mobile phone
  • Switching between apps just to see news feed throughout the day.
  • Can’t afford to see your mobile battery less than 40%
  • Getting frustrated if you are not able to find the charging port near you.
  • Checking the phone frequently even if you know there is no need to do it

Now, most of you will be gasping at the fact that you are addicted to your smart phones.

Do you want to know about the side effects of this addiction? Then let’s have a look at it.

1. Effects Eye

Gazing at the screen for such long hours will harm your eyes. The excess use of the phone can adversely affect the eyeballs before the time.

Not able to see distant objects clearly? Eye strain and headaches are common these days? The chances are high that you’re myopic, and you may feel fatigued when you try to see objects far away more than a few feet.

According to recent research, prolonged smart phone use is the major cause of myopia. Once you have myopia, you can only fix it with eyeglasses, contacts or eye surgery and this problem stays with you for a lifetime.

Do you want to lose your eyesight? Obviously, no one wants to. Then the question arises why are you becoming the cause to make yourself suffer? Think about it.

2. Insomnia

Phone addiction will lead you to insomnia. If you do not agree on this, then just do one practical experiment.

All you have to do is wake up at 8 and exhaust yourself throughout the day by doing some productive work (using phones is not your option) and then without using the phone before your bedtime just go straight to your bed. Trust me; you will fall asleep in a couple of minutes.

Because using the phone before sleeping will never let you sleep on time and eventually will cause insomnia.

3. Decrease productivity

Using phone throughout the day is not a productive task, but it is the reason to diminish productivity. Our work, life, goals and all will suffer due to your this habit of using the phone.

Wondering how you can save yourself from the addiction? Then doesn’t worry, every problem has a solution. Although you will find it difficult in initial days but trust me, the struggle will be worth it.

All you have to do is to stay away from the phone as much as you can, distract yourself from the phone, delete unnecessary apps from your phone, try to fix a time when you can operate social media platforms and so on. Instead of connecting on social media go out and meet your friends, it will make memories plus won’t harm you in any way.

But to follow all these things, you must have patience and control because these two things will make your journey possible.

And if you need to track all your activities then Stay Away is the right solution for you. Download the app and break your addiction now.